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Having a PDF with over 200 REET General Knowledge questions is super helpful for people getting ready for the REET exam. It’s like a treasure trove of questions covering different topics like history, geography, politics, and current affairs. With these questions, you can test yourself and learn more about these subjects. Practicing with them can really boost your knowledge and help you do better in the General Knowledge section of the REET exam.
REET General Knowledge Questions Highlights
All the candidates have started preparing for the REET 2024 examination for Level 1 and Level 2. Rajasthan General Knowledge will be the important section for both Levels in REET Exam. Rajasthan GK will come in Level 1 in the Environmental Studies section and on Level 2 in Science, and Social Science.
Name of the Board | Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan |
Exam Name | Rajasthan Eligibility Examination For Teachers (REET) |
Section | Rajasthan GK |
Paper 1 | Environmental Studies |
Paper 2 | Science, Social Science |
Category | General Knowledge |
Official Website | |
REET Syllabus 2024 & New Exam Pattern
REET GK Syllabus 2024 For Paper 1
Environmental Studies | |
Topic | Subtopics |
Profession | The profession of your surroundings (stitching clothes, gardening, farming, animal rearing, vegetable vendor, etc.), small and cottage industries; major industries of Rajasthan State, Need for consumer protection, co-operative societies. |
Our Culture and Civilization and Pride | Fairs and festivals of Rajasthan, National festivals, Dresses, and ornaments of Rajasthan, food-habits, architecture, fort, places, painting and art and craft of Rajasthan; Tourist places of Rajasthan; Great personalities of Rajasthan, Proverb of Maharana Pratap, Mahatma Gandhi |
Government | Panchyat Raj and Urban Self government in Rajasthan |
REET Previous Year Question Papers: Download PDF
REET GK Questions Syllabus 2024 For Paper 2
Science | |
Topic | Subtopics |
Agriculture Management | Agriculture Practices, Major crops are grown in Rajasthan |
Social Studies | |
Government: Composition and Functions | Parliament, President, Prime Minister, and Council of Ministers; Supreme Court, State Government, Panchayati Raj, and Urban Self – Government. (in reference to Rajasthan) District Administration and Judicial System. |
Geography and Resources of Rajasthan | Physical regions, Climate, and drainage system, Lakes, Water conservation and Harvesting, Agriculture, Soil, Crops, Minerals, and Energy Resources, Major Canales and River-valley projects of Rajasthan, Transport, Industries, Population, Tourist Places of Rajasthan, Forest, and wildlife |
History of Rajasthan | Ancient Civilizations and Janpadas, History of major dynasties of Rajasthan, Contribution of Rajasthan in the revolt of 1857, Prajamandal, Tribal’s and Peasant Movement in Rajasthan an, Integration of Rajasthan, Major Personalities of Rajasthan. |
Art and Culture of Rajasthan | Heritage of Rajasthan (Forts, Palaces, Monuments ) Fairs, Festivals, Folk-arts of Rajasthan, Painting of Rajasthan, Folk dance and folk Drama of Rajasthan, Lok- Devta, Lok Saint, Folk Music and Musical Instruments of Rajasthan, Handicrafts, and architecture of Rajasthan, Dresses, and Ornaments of Rajasthan, Languages, and Literature of Rajasthan. |
REET General Knowledge Questions PDF
As students are preparing for REET 2024 papers, Teacheradda is providing the Top 200 Rajasthan GK PDF for future preparation. Rajasthan GK will help you in preparation for REET Level 1 and Level 2. We give you the Most important GK questions for the REET exam 2024. If you want to crack this exam on the first attempt you need to practice these questions regularly.
Q1. मान सागर झील किस शहर में स्थित है?
(a) उदयपुर
(b) जोधपुर
(c) जयपुर
(d) जैसलमेर
Q2. जल महल किस झील के बीच में स्थित है?
(a) मान सागर झील
(b) पिछोला झील
(c) सांभर झील
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q3. मान साहेर झील का निर्माण किसने किया था?
(a) जय सिंह
(b) सरदूल सिंह
(c) मान सिंह
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q4. मान सागर झील का निर्माण किस वर्ष में किया गया था?
(a) 1610
(b) 1611
(c) 1612
(d) 1609
Q5. अल्बर्ट हॉल संग्रहालय कहाँ स्थित है?
(a) जैसलमेर
(b) जयपुर
(c) जोधपुर
(d) अजमेर
Q6. लक्ष्मी निवास पैलेस एक पूर्व आवासीय महल है जो बीकानेर में स्थित है. इसे किसने बनवाया ?
(a) गंगा सिंह
(b) मान सिंह
(c) जय सिंह
(d) सरदूल सिंह
Q7. ओम बिड़ला एक राजनेता हैं जो लोकसभा के 17 वें और वर्तमान अध्यक्ष हैं. वह राजस्थान के किस निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से हैं?
(a) श्री गंगानगर
(b) बीकानेर
(c) कोटा
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q8. कोटा किस नदी के किनारे स्थित है?
(a) लूनी
(b) घाघरा
(c) चंबल
(d) माही
Q9. कोटा स्वतंत्र हुआ?
(a) 1580
(b) 1579
(c) 1578
(d) 1577
Q10. तिमन गढ़ किस ऐतिहासिक किले में स्थित है?
(a) करौली
(b) बीकानेर
(c) डोसा
(d) भीलवाड़ा
Q11. राजस्थान का कौन सा लोक नृत्य भीलों का विशिष्ट नृत्य है?
(a) घूमर
(b) कालबेलिया
(c) आग
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q12. कालबेलिया नृत्य किस समुदाय की महिलाएं करती हैं?
(a) गुर्जर समुदाय
(b) मीणा समुदाय
(c) कालबेलिया समुदाय
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q13. भवाई नृत्य की थीम किस महान हिंदू महाकाव्य से ली गई है?
(a) रामायण
(b) महाभारत
(c) A और B दोनों
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q14. भवाई नृत्य किस जाति द्वारा किया जाता है?
(a) भवाई जाति
(b) मेनना जाति
(c) भील जाति
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q15. किस नृत्य में महिलाओं ने भाग नहीं लिया है?
(a) कालबेलिया नृत्य
(b) घूमर नृत्य
(c) भवाई नृत्य
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q16. आग नृत्य प्रदर्शन करने के लिए बहुत मुश्किल नृत्य है और किस समुदाय द्वारा किया जाता है?
(a) मीणा समुदाय
(b) बंजारा समुदाय
(c) भील समुदाय
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q17. कच्छी घोड़ी नृत्य किस त्योहार में किया जाता है?
(a) होली
(b) दिवाली
(c) दशहरा
(d) बसंत पंचमी
Q18. तेरह ताली नृत्य किसके द्वारा किया जाता है?
(a) मीणा जनजाति
(b) भील जनजाति
(c) कामदा जनजाति
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q19. तेरहताली नृत्य में, महिलाएं क्या करती हैं?
(a) बांसुरी
(b) मंजीरा
(c) ड्रम
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q20. आग नृत्य में, नृत्य राजस्थान के किस जिले के “जसनाथियों” द्वारा निष्पादित किया जाता है?
(a) जयपुर और बीकानेर
(b) बीकानेर और जोधपुर
(c) जयपुर और चूरू
(d) बीकानेर और चूरू
Q21. औसत साक्षरता में, राजस्थान के जिलों में अजमेर किस स्थान पर है?
(a) 8 वें
(b) 7 वें
(c) 6 वें
(d) 9वें
Q22. 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार अजमेर जिले की पुरुष साक्षरता दर क्या है?
(a) 55.7%
(b) 82.4%
(c) 69.3%
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q23. 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार अजमेर जिले की महिला साक्षरता दर क्या है?
(a) 55.7%
(b) 69.3%
(c) 82.4%
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q24. 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार अजमेर जिले की साक्षरता दर क्या है?
(a) 55.7%
(b) 82.4%
(c) 69.3%
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q25. “ढाई दिन का झोपड़ा” का निर्माण किसने किया था?
(a) सुल्तान इल्तुतमिश
(b) बाबर
(c) कुतुब-उद-दीन-ऐबक
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q26. अजमेर शरीफ दरगाह किस मुगल सम्राट द्वारा बनवाई गई थी?
(a) अकबर
(b) बाबर
(c) हिमायु
(d) शाहजहाँ
Q27. अजमेर शरीफ की दरगाह है?
(a) ख्वाजा मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती
(b) कुतुबुद्दीन बख्तियार काकी
(c) हजरतबल तीर्थ
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q28. अकबरी किले का निर्माण किया गया था?
(a) 1571
(b) 1570
(c) 1576
(d) 1575
Q29. अकबरी किला किसने बनवाया था?
(a) औरंगजेब
(b) शाहजहाँ
(c) बाबर
(d) अकबर
Q30. अकबरी किले को कहा जाता है?
(a) पत्रिका
(b) दौलत-खाना
(c) दोनों a और b
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
Download Top 200 Rajasthan GK PDF in Hindi
Solutions of REET GK Questions PDF
S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. Man Sagar Lake is an artificial lake, situated in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan in India.
S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. The Jal Mahal is situated in the middle of the Man Sagar Lake.
S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. Man Sagar Lake is an artificial lake, situated in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan in India. It is named after Raja Man Singh, the then ruler of Amer, who constructed it in c. 1610 by damming the Dravyavati river.
S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Man Sagar Lake is an artificial lake, situated in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan in India. It is named after Raja Man Singh, the then ruler of Amer, who constructed it in c. 1610 by damming the Dravyavati river.
S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. The Albert Hall Museum in Jaipur is the oldest museum of the state and functions as the state museum of Rajasthan, India. The building is situated in Ram Niwas garden outside the city wall opposite new gate and is a fine example of Indo-Saracenic architecture.
S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. The Laxmi Niwas Palace is a former residential palace built by Maharajah Ganga Singh, the ruler of the former state of Bikaner. It was designed by the British architect, Samuel Swinton Jacob in the year 1902. The style of architecture is Indo-Saracenic. It is now a luxury Heritage hotel owned by the royal family of Bikaner
S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Om Birla is an Indian politician who is the 17th and current Speaker of the Lok Sabha. He serves a Member of Parliament for the Kota-Bundi constituency in Rajasthan. Prior to parliament, he was elected thrice to the assembly of Rajasthan. He belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party.
S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. Kota is located along the banks of the Chambal River in the southern part of Rajasthan. It is the 3rd largest city of Rajasthan after Jaipur and Jodhpur.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Kota became independent in 1579, after Bundi state in Hadoti region had become weak. Then, Kota ruled the territory which now is Kota district and Baran district.
S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. Timan Garh is a historical fort situated near Hindaun Block in Karauli District the Indian state of Rajasthan.
S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. Ghoomar is a folk dance of Rajasthan and is characteristic dance of the Bhils. It is a community dance performed by groups of women on auspicious occasions. The name is derived from the word ghoomna (pirouetting).
S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Kalbelia dance is performed by the women folk hailing from the Kalbelia (Snake charmers) community in Rajasthan. They pursue the centuries-old profession of catching snakes and trading snake venom. The dance movements and the costumes have an uncanny resemblance to the slithery creatures. Kalbelia dance has been included in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list.
S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. It is amongst the most famous dances of Rajasthan. The themes for the dance are derived from the great Hindu epics i.e. the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These dances are performed by the Bhawai caste. Thought to have been originated from the Jats, these Bhawai castes perform the Khayal dance on heredity basis. They enact these dance-dramas and have numerous ballets; some of which are humorous and depict the comic characters of `baniyas`, barbers and moneylenders with bitterest satires. Women do not participate in Bhawai dances.
S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. Bhawai dance is amongst the most famous dances of Rajasthan. The themes for the dance are derived from the great Hindu epics i.e. the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These dances are performed by the Bhawai caste.
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. These dances are performed by the Bhawai caste. Thought to have been originated from the Jats, these Bhawai castes perform the Khayal dance on heredity basis. Women do not participate in Bhawai dances.
S16. Ans.(b)
Sol. Fire dance is a unique dance famous in the desert region of Rajasthan. This folk dance describes the lifestyle of Jasnathis of Bikaner and Churu districts of Rajasthan India. This is a very difficult dance to perform and is carried out by the Banjara community.
S17. Ans.(a)
Sol. Kachchhi Ghodi dance, also spelled Kachhi Ghodi and Kachhi Gori, is an Indian folk dance that originated in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan. Kacchi Ghodi dance is executed on Holi festival. Dancers wear novelty horse costumes, and participate in mock fights, while a singer narrates folk tales about local bandits.
S18. Ans.(c)
Sol. Terah Taali is one of the folk dances of the princely state, Rajasthan. This folk dance is performed by the Kamada tribes who are traditional snake charmers. Besides this it is also performed by the tribes of Mirasi, Bhand, Dholi, Bhat and Nat. It is also practiced by Pokhran and Deedwana, to honour their folk hero, Baba Ramdeo, it consists of women sitting on the floor before his image.
S19. Ans.(b)
Sol. Terah Taali Dance is generally performed by well skilled artists. Thirteen manjeeras ( little brass disc) are tied to various parts of their body, which they strike with the ones they hold in their hand.
S20. Ans.(d)
Sol. Fire dance is a unique dance famous in the desert region of Rajasthan. This folk dance describes the lifestyle of Jasnathis of Bikaner and Churu districts of Rajasthan India. This is a very difficult dance to perform and is carried out by the Banjara community.
S21. Ans.(a)
Sol. According to the 2011 census, Ajmer has a population of around 551,360 in its urban agglomeration and 542,580 in the city. In average literacy, Ajmer occupies 8 position among districts of Rajasthan. It has male literacy rate is at 82.4 percent and female literacy rate of 55.7 percent to have combined rate of 69.3 percent.
S22. Ans.(b)
Sol. According to the 2011 census, Ajmer has a population of around 551,360 in its urban agglomeration and 542,580 in the city. In average literacy, Ajmer occupies 8 position among districts of Rajasthan. It has male literacy rate is at 82.4 percent and female literacy rate of 55.7 percent to have combined rate of 69.3 percent.
S23. Ans.(a)
Sol. According to the 2011 census, Ajmer has a population of around 551,360 in its urban agglomeration and 542,580 in the city. In average literacy, Ajmer occupies 8 position among districts of Rajasthan. It has male literacy rate is at 82.4 percent and female literacy rate of 55.7 percent to have combined rate of 69.3 percent.
S24. Ans.(c)
Sol. According to the 2011 census, Ajmer has a population of around 551,360 in its urban agglomeration and 542,580 in the city. In average literacy, Ajmer occupies 8 position among districts of Rajasthan. It has male literacy rate is at 82.4 percent and female literacy rate of 55.7 percent to have combined rate of 69.3 percent.
S25. Ans.(c)
Sol. Adhai din ka Jhopra is actually a Masjid built by Qutib-ud Din-Aibak, first Sultan of Delhi, in AD 1199. Sultan Iltutmish had subsequently beautified it in AD 1213 with a screen pierced by corbelled engrailed arches which appear in this country for the first time.
S26. Ans.(d)
Sol. Ajmer Sharif, situated at the foot of the Taragarh hill, is the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. It contains the domed tomb of the saint and several white marble buildings arranged around two courtyards, incuding a massive gate donated by the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Akbari Mosque, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
S27. Ans.(a)
Sol. Ajmer Sharif, situated at the foot of the Taragarh hill, is the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. It contains the domed tomb of the saint and several white marble buildings arranged around two courtyards, incuding a massive gate donated by the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Akbari Mosque, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
S28. Ans.(b)
Sol. Akbari fort was constructed in 1570 by Akbar and is also called as Daulat-khanna or Magazine. Plans for battle of Haldighati were finalized in this fort in 1576 and Jehangir camped in the fort for 3 years to bring mewar under mughal Control. This fort is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture.
S29. Ans.(d)
Sol. Akbari fort was constructed in 1570 by Akbar and is also called as Daulat-khanna or Magazine. Plans for battle of Haldighati were finalized in this fort in 1576 and Jehangir camped in the fort for 3 years to bring mewar under mughal Control. This fort is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture.
S30. Ans.(c)
Sol. Akbari fort was constructed in 1570 by Akbar and is also called as Daulat-khanna or Magazine. Plans for battle of Haldighati were finalized in this fort in 1576 and Jehangir camped in the fort for 3 years to bring mewar under mughal Control. This fort is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture.