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Tripura TET Syllabus 2025 Paper 1 and 2 PDF Download

The Teachers Recruitment Board Tripura (TRBT) has officially announced the Tripura Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET) 2025 through a notification on its website. The T-TET 2025 exam will be conducted in two sessions: Paper I on 20 April 2025 and Paper II on 27 April 2025. Aspiring candidates can refer to the detailed Tripura TET syllabus and exam pattern provided to streamline their preparation for this significant state-level exam, aimed at assessing their eligibility for teaching positions in Tripura schools.

Tripura TET 2025: Outline

The Tripura TET 2025, conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT), is a crucial exam for aspiring teachers in the state. With the application window open from 24 January to 28 February 2025, candidates must utilize the detailed syllabus to craft an effective preparation strategy. The exam comprises two papers: Paper I for Classes I to V, scheduled on 20 April 2025, and Paper II for Classes VI to VIII, on 27 April 2025. For updates and resources, candidates can visit the official website at https://trb.tripura.gov.in/.

Tripura TET 2025 Outline
Conducting Body Teachers Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT)
Exam Name Tripura Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET) 2025
State Tripura
Application Window 24 January 2025 to 28 February 2025
Examination Scheme 2 Papers: Paper I for Classes I to V; Paper II for Classes VI to VIII
Official website https://trb.tripura.gov.in/
Exam Date Paper 1 20 April 2025
Exam Date Paper 2 27 April 2025

Tripura TET 2024 Exam Pattern

The Tripura TET Exam 2025 will be conducted in two sessions: Paper I for candidates aiming to teach Classes I to V and Paper II for those targeting Classes VI to VIII. Candidates aspiring to teach at both levels must appear for both papers. To support their preparation, we have outlined the Tripura TET Marking Scheme and Exam Pattern, which provide insights into the structure and framework of the exam. Understanding these details will help candidates develop effective strategies and enhance their readiness for the test.

  • Mode of Application: Online Mode
  • Mode of Exam: Offline Mode (OMR-based)
  • Nature of Exam: Bilingual
  • Duration For Exam: 2.5 Hour
  • Negative Marking: No

Tripura TET Exam Pattern for Paper I (for Classes I to V)

The Tripura TET Exam Pattern for Paper I is tailored for candidates aiming to teach Classes I to V, featuring five primary sections: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I (English), Language II (Bengali/Kokborok), Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Each section contains 30 multiple-choice questions, with each question carrying one mark, culminating in a total of 150 questions worth 150 marks. This comprehensive structure evaluates candidates on their pedagogical understanding, language proficiency, mathematical abilities, and environmental knowledge, ensuring they possess the skills necessary for effective primary-level teaching.

S.No. Subjects No. of Questions Marks
1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
2 Language I (English) 30 30
3 Language II (Bengali/Kokborok) 30 30
4 Mathematics 30 30
5 Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

Tripura TET Exam Pattern for Paper II (for Classes VI to VIII)

The Tripura TET Exam Pattern for Paper II is tailored for candidates aspiring to teach Classes VI to VIII. It comprises four sections: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I (English), Language II (Bengali/Kokborok), and an elective subject—either Mathematics & Science or Social Studies. Each of the first three sections includes 30 multiple-choice questions for 30 marks each, while the elective subject contains 60 questions, contributing 60 marks. This makes a total of 150 questions for 150 marks. The exam assesses candidates’ pedagogical understanding, language proficiency, and subject-specific expertise, ensuring their readiness to handle the curriculum effectively at the upper primary level.

S.No. Subjects No. of Questions Marks
1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
2 Language I (English) 30 30
3 Language II (Bengali/Kokborok) 30 30
4 Mathematics & Science Or Social Studies 60 60
Total 150 150

Tripura TET Syllabus

The Tripura TET exam comprises two papers where candidates will be required to appear for the paper as per eligibility. To crack Tripura TET 2025 Exam students must be aware of the Tripura TET 2025 Syllabus & New Exam Pattern in detail.

Tripura TET Syllabus Paper I – Primary Stage (I to V)

The Tripura TET Syllabus for Paper I, tailored for the Primary Stage (Classes I to V), encompasses key topics to evaluate candidates’ teaching skills and subject knowledge. The Child Development and Pedagogy section emphasizes child psychology, inclusive education, and effective teaching methodologies. Language I (English) focuses on grammar, comprehension, and language teaching techniques, while Language II (Bengali/Kokborok) assesses proficiency in the selected regional language, including communication and pedagogical skills. The Mathematics section covers fundamental arithmetic, geometry, and problem-solving abilities, and Environmental Studies includes topics on science, social studies, and environmental awareness. This comprehensive syllabus ensures candidates are thoroughly assessed for their readiness to teach at the primary level. For a detailed syllabus, refer to the article below.

Tripura TET Syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy

The Tripura TET Syllabus for Child Development and Pedagogy emphasizes understanding child psychology, growth, and learning principles. It covers childhood development domains (physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and moral), influenced by heredity, environment, and socialization. Theories from Piaget, Kohlberg, Vygotsky, and others provide critical perspectives on child-centric and activity-based learning. Topics include intelligence theories, language and thought, and addressing diversity in classrooms. Inclusive education focuses on exceptional children, learning disabilities, and gifted learners. Pedagogy highlights teaching-learning processes, motivation, classroom management, and fostering a safe, engaging environment. This syllabus ensures candidates are equipped to address diverse learners’ needs effectively.

(A) Child Development and Learning

  • Growth, development and maturation: their relationship with learning.
  • Principles of development of childhood.
  • Impact of heredity and environment on development: nature-nurture controversy.
  • Socialization process of the child (with special reference to teachers, parents and peers).
  • Domains of development up to late childhood: physical, cognitive, emotional, social, moral and language.
  • Theories of Piaget, Kohlberg, Carol, Chomsky, Vygotsky and Rogers in relation to child development (with critical perspectives).
  • Concept of child-centric and activity-based
  • Individual differences: attitude, aptitude, interest and intelligence, their measurement.
  • Language and thought
  • Theories of intelligence: Spearman, Guilford, Thurstone and Gardner – critical perspectives of the construct of intelligence.
  • Gender and education: gender roles, gender bias and educational practice with special reference to child development.
  • The mental health of the child: adjustment and behavioural problems during childhood.
  • Understanding differences among children based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, and religion.
  • The distinction between assessment for learning and assessment of learning: school-based assessment, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, perspectives and practices.
  • Formulating appropriate questions for assessing the readiness level of learners for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom, measuring the learning outcome of the learners.

(B) Concepts of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs

  • Concept of exceptional children and children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived.
  • Concept of learning disability (LD), addressing the needs of children with learning disabilities.
  • Addressing the gifted, creative, and specially-abled learners (mentally retarded and physically challenged).

(C) Learning and Pedagogy

  • Process of thinking and learning of children: causes of children’s failure to achieve success in school performance with respect to quality education.
  • Basic approaches to learning: processes of teaching and learning, children’s strategies of learning, learning as a social activity, social context of learning, child as a problem solver and scientific investigator.
  • Alternative concepts of learning in children: understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
  • Cognition and emotions: concept and nature of cognition, basic emotions, characteristics of childhood emotionality.
  • Motivation and learning: factors contributing to learning – personal and environmental, the influence of motivation in learning.
  • Class-room management: the creation of a non-threatening learning environment, managing behavioural problems in the classroom.
  • Punishment and its legal implications, rights of a child.
  • Guidance and counselling: concept, nature and types.
  • Factors contributing to learning – personal and environmental.

Tripura TET Language – I, English Syllabus

The Tripura TET Language I (English) Syllabus focuses on both language comprehension and pedagogy. It includes two comprehension passages—prose and poetry—with questions on vocabulary, inference, and grammar topics like determiners, prepositions, tenses, and auxiliary verbs. The pedagogy section emphasizes principles of language teaching, the role of grammar in communication, and strategies for addressing challenges in diverse classrooms. It also covers English phonology, language skills (LSRW), teaching materials, and methods for teaching children with special needs, ensuring a holistic approach to language teaching and assessment.

(A) Language Comprehension

(i) Two passages, one from prose and the other from poetry with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and test of vocabulary. (prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive.)

(ii) Test of grammatical knowledge on the following items: –

  • Determiners
  • Subject-verb
  • Concord
  • Interrogatives
  • Framing Yes/No & ‘WH’ questions
  • Question tags
  • Prepositions
  • Tense and time
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Gerunds & Participle
  • Auxiliary verbs

(B) Pedagogy for Language Development

  • Learning and acquisition.
  • Principles of language teaching.
  • A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas in oral and written form.
  • Challenges of teaching language in diverse classrooms: language difficulties, errors and disorders.
  • Introduction to English Phonology: vowels and consonants, syllable division.
  • Language skills.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency in LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
  • Teaching-learning materials: textbooks, multimedia materials, and multilingual resources of the classroom.
  • Strategies for teaching children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Remedial teaching.

Tripura TET Mathematics Syllabus

(A) Content

  • Geometry: types of angels, measurement of angels, line, axis, reflection and symmetry.
  • Shapes, spatial understanding, solids, the perimeter of rectilinear figures, area of rectangles, practical problems, surface area and volume of solids (sphere, cube, rectangular, parallelepiped), practical problems.
  • Measurement: basic operations in solving problems involving length, weight, time, capacity and their standard units, the relation between them.
  • Numbers: natural numbers, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of natural numbers, factors and multiples, prime factors, lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest common factor (HCF), decimals and their operation on decimals.
  • Arithmetic: unitary method, ratio, proportion, percentage, average, profit and loss.
  • Fractions: the concept of fraction, a fraction of a measure such as a metre, litre, gram, fractional parts of objects, equal fractions, operations on fraction, practical problems.
  • Weight
  • Time
  • Data handling.
  • Pattern
  • Money

(B) Pedagogical Issues In Mathematics

  • Language of Mathematics.
  • Community Mathematics.
  • Nature of mathematics, understanding children’s thinking and reasoning, place of mathematics in curriculum, the historical development of mathematics, great mathematicians and their contributions (Indian and World).
  • Methods of teaching mathematics, inductive and deductive method, analytical and synthetic method, project method, laboratory method.
  • Instructional material in mathematics, TLM in mathematics, mathematics laboratory, mathematical puzzle.
  • Evaluation, the concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
  • Problems in teaching mathematics.
  • Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching.
  • Diagnostic and remedial teaching.

Tripura TET Environmental Studies Syllabus

(A) Content

  • Family and Friend: Relationships, duties of family members, nuclear and joint families, social abuse (child marriage, child labour, and dowry system), rights and responsibilities in common places.
  • Work and Play: different types of professions in our surroundings, effects of games and sports on health.
  • Plants and Animals: The world of plants and animals, parts of plants (leaves, flowers, types of root and stem, different kinds of fruit and seeds), germination, pollination, dispersal of seeds, plants in our society (sacred groves, flowers and festivals, vanamohatsav), photosynthesis, animals in different environments, movement and food habit, uses of animals, animal products, reserve forest, sanctuaries, tiger reserves, national parks.
  • Food: Different types of food, balanced diet and its importance, nutrients of food, nutrient deficiencies and related diseases.
  • Health and Hygiene: External parts of the body and their cleanliness, general understanding of internal parts of our body, causes of some common diseases (gastroenteritis, amoebiasis, anaemia, fluorosis, malaria and dengue) and their prevention.
  • Shelters: Types of shelters, characteristics of animal shelters, various types of houses and building materials.
  • Travel: Types of vehicles used, railways, waterways and airways.
  • Water: Types of water resources, conservation of water resources, water pollution, cause and prevention of water pollution, the impact of water pollution on the environment, flood and drought.
  • Air: Composition of air, causes and impact of air pollution on the environment, greenhouse effect and global warming.
  • Soil: Different types of soil, soil erosion, the impact of soil pollution and its prevention.
  • Energy: Types of energy and its transformation from one to another, application of energy in daily life, various types of fuels, renewable and non-renewable resources of energy, conservation of energy.
  • Environmental Characteristics of Tripura: Location, climate, crops, clothes, village, districts, physical features, hills and plains, rivers, plants and animals, endangered and rare species, reserve forests, and sanctuaries.
  • Environmental Protection: Constitutional provision, the role of individuals, local bodies and government in environmental protection, major environmental protection acts.
  • Things we make and do.

(B) Pedagogical Issues In Environmental Studies

  • Concept and scope of environmental studies
  • Significance of environmental studies.
  • Integrated approach in environmental studies.
  • Scope and relation of environmental studies to science and social science.
  • Comprehensive and continuous evaluation.
  • Teaching material – aids.
  • Approaches of presenting concepts.
  • Environmental studies and environmental education.
  • Learning principles.
  • Activities
  • Discussion
  • Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE).
  • Problems

Tripura TET Syllabus Paper II – Elementary Stage (Classes VI-VIII)

The Tripura TET Syllabus for Paper II, designed for the Elementary Stage (Classes VI to VIII), evaluates candidates’ proficiency in teaching and subject knowledge across key areas. The Child Development and Pedagogy section focuses on adolescent psychology, inclusive education, and effective teaching strategies for older students. Language I (English) tests grammar, comprehension, and teaching methodologies, while Language II (Bengali/ Kokborok) evaluates regional language proficiency and pedagogy.

Candidates must choose between Mathematics & Science or Social Studies as their specialization. The Mathematics & Science section covers advanced mathematical concepts, science fundamentals, and applications, while the Social Studies section emphasizes history, geography, and civics. This syllabus ensures candidates are well-prepared to teach and inspire students at the upper primary level.

Tripura TET Syllabus for Child Development (Elementary School Child)

  • Concept of development and its relation with learning.
  • Growth and development, stages of development, infancy, childhood and adolescence.
  • Principles of development of childhood.
  • Influence of heredity and environment on the development of the child, the role of the teachers.
  • Socialization process, social world and children, the role of parents, peers and teachers in the process of socialization.
  • Piaget, Kohlberg, Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives, cognitive development theory of Piaget, moral development theory of Kohlberg, social constructivism theory of Vygotsky and their educational implications.
  • Concept of child-centred and progressive education, methods of teaching and learning, the concept of progressive education, the role of teachers.
  • Critical perspective of the construct of intelligence, multidimensional intelligence, Sternberg’s information processing theory, intelligence tests, and the concept of IQ.
  • Language and thought, different stages of language development, and the role of the teacher in the process of language development.
  • Gender as a social construct, gender roles, gender – bias and educational practices, gender equality, and teachers’ role.
  • Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community and religion etc.
  • The distinction between assessment for learning and assessment of learning, school based assessment, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, perspectives and procedures.
  • Formulating appropriate questions for assessing the readiness levels of learners for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learners’ achievement.

Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs

  • Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds, including disadvantaged and deprived, educational implications.
  • Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, impairment etc., mentally retarded, physically challenged socially and culturally deprived, identification and remedial measures.
  • Addressing the needs of exceptional children, talented, creative, and specially-abled learners.

Learning and Pedagogy

  • The basic process of teaching and learning, children’s strategies of learning, learning as a social activity, and social context of learning.
  • Creative learning situations, criteria of learning experiences, different modes of learning, social learning, cooperative and collaborative learning, group discussion, and role of teachers.
  • Child as a problem solver and a scientific investigator.
  • Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s errors as significant steps in the learning process.
  • Cognition: its process, perception, concept formation, thinking, imagination, reasoning – inductive and deductive, problem-solving, memory.
  • Emotion: characteristics, emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, emotional quotient (EQ).
  • Motivation: concept, types and importance, theories of motivation.
  • Motivation and learning: factors affecting learning, theories of learning – Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner, Piaget and Vygotsky.
  • Factors contributing to learning: personal and environmental.
  • Personality and adjustment: concepts, approaches, types and traits, measurement of personality, projective and non-projective techniques and adjustment mechanisms.


(A) Language Comprehension

(i) Two passages, one from prose/drama and the other from poetry with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and test of vocabulary. (Prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive).

(ii) Test of grammatical knowledge on the following items:

  • Concord
  • Question tags
  • Prepositions
  • Tense and time
  • Determiners
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Gerunds
  • Error identification
  • Modals
  • Degree of comparison
  • Transformation of sentences

(B) Pedagogy for Language Development:

  • Language acquisition and learning.
  • Principles of language teaching.
  • Language skills – strategies to develop them.
  • A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas in oral and written form.
  • Challenges of teaching language in diverse classrooms – language difficulties, errors and disorders.
  • Introduction to English Phonology – vowels and consonant classification as per IPA, syllable division.
  • Teaching-learning materials: textbooks, multimedia materials, ICT, and multilingual resources of the classroom.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency in LSRW (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
  • Strategies for teaching children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Remedial teaching.

Tripura TET Mathematics and Science Syllabus

(A) Mathematics (30 MCQs)

  • Number System: Knowing our numbers, whole numbers, positive and negative integers, rational numbers – their properties, fractions and decimals, playing with numbers.
  • Algebra: Formation of algebraic expressions, idea about monomials, binomials and Polynomials , addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic expressions, some identities as (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2, a2 – b2=(a + b) (a – b) and their applications, formation and solution of linear equation for one unknown variable, factorization using identities, factorisation in (x + a) (x + b) form exponents and powers.
  • Arithmetic: Square and square root, cube and cube root, ratio and proportion, inverse proportion as proportionality with the reciprocal, percentage, profit and loss, simple and compound interest.
  • Geometry: basic geometrical ideas (2 – D), understanding elementary shapes (2 – D and 3 – D).
  • Lines and angles, triangles and their properties, congruency of triangles, classification of quadrilaterals as rectangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, and their various characterization, the idea of various polygons, practical geometry (triangle and quadrilateral), symmetry, construction (using straight edge scale, protector, compasses)
  • Mensuration: Perimeter and area of rectangle, square, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, triangle and circle, the idea about cuboid, cube, cylinder and their surface area and volume.
  • Data handling: Graphical representation, representing numerical data, pictographs, bar graphs, double bar graphs and pie charts, tabular representations, representing numerical data as frequency table, mean, median, mode and their applications.

(B) Pedagogical Issues in Mathematics

  • Nature of mathematics, logical thinking, understanding children’s thinking and reasoning, language of mathematics, community mathematics, place of mathematics in curriculum, aims and objectives of learning mathematics in primary classes, values of mathematics learning, correlation with other subjects, lower primary and upper primary mathematics curriculum.
  • Mathematics, trends and developments, the historical development of mathematics, history of great mathematicians and their contributions.
  • Approach to mathematics learning, proper learning experiences keeping in mind the characteristics of children, natural learning capacity and the learning process of the child, theoretical base of learning mathematics.
  • The problem of teaching, different teaching-learning methods, inductive and deductive methods, analytic and synthetic methods, project methods, laboratory methods, planning of a lesson,
  • Learning materials in mathematics, textbook, handbooks, mathematics collection, collection of mathematical puzzles, riddles, etc.
  • Mathematics learning evaluation: Concept of a continuous and comprehensive evaluation, evaluation activities, grading the performance and recording the results, diagnosis, remedial teaching, and error analysis.

(C) Science Syllabus

  • Food and Nutrition: definition, sources of food, components of food, type of food, balanced food, ideal food, nutrition and its importance, cleaning food, human digestive system and digestion process, food adulteration, plant nutrition (autotroph, heterotroph, parasite, insectivorous, plants, symbiosis, the interrelationship between plants and animals (coexistence),
  • Microorganisms and activities: definition, types of microorganisms with examples, beneficial organisms and their role, diseases caused by different microorganisms, their mode of transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures.
  • Circulation and conduction: definition, blood & its composition, heart structure, arteries, vein and capillaries, circulation pattern in animals, conduction in plants.
  • Ecosystem and Natural Resources: ecosystem and its components, food chain, its types with examples, food web, food pyramid, energy flow in ecosystem, biosphere, biodiversity and conservation, renewable and non-renewable resources, reserve forest, sanctuaries, and national parks.
  • Agriculture and Tools: crops, types, harvest and management, agricultural tools, fertilizers, manures and pesticides, irrigation and technique, crop protection, plant diseases and control, taxonomy, systematisation, classification, binomial nomenclature.
  • Pollution: definition, types of pollution and pollutants, greenhouse effect, global warming, acid rain, impacts of different types of pollutants upon animal lives and control measures, biodegradable, non – biodegradable pollutants.
  • Motion, Force, and Pressure: rest and motion, graphical presentation of the straight-line motion, Newton’s laws of motion and their application, different types of force, the concept of thrust and pressure, atmospheric pressure, barometer.
  • Thermal Physics: heat and temperature, thermal conductivity, radiation, application of thermal insulators, thermometer.
  • Sound: characteristic of sound, application of sound, the intensity of sound, sound pollution.
  • Electrostatics, current electricity and magnetism, frictional electricity, electroscope, earthling, lightning, electric current and circuits, electric cell, heating, chemical and magnetic effects of current, magnets, properties of the magnet, applications, earth’s magnetism.
  • Optics: reflection in a plane and spherical mirrors, an image in lenses.
  • Solar System: sun, planets, satellites, comets, galaxy.
  • Metal and Non – metal: acid, base, chemical properties of metal and non-metal physical and chemical changes of materials.

(D) Pedagogical Issues in Science

Nature and structure of sciences, natural science – aims and objectives, understanding and appreciating science, methods of science – observation, experiment, discovery, innovations, questions, approaches to the science curriculum, criticism of contemporary science education, aims and objectives of science education, science literacy, approaches of science education, integrated approach, the taxonomy of science education, knowledge domain problem-solving skills, creativity domain, attitudinal domain, application domain, scientific inquiry, pedagogic strategies, activity-based collaborative and cooperative learning, the significance of the history of science, evaluation – cognitive, psychomotor, affective, the significance of laboratory evaluation, continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE), assessment of performance, scientific attitude, the role of a science teacher, text material and teaching and learning aids, the psychological basis of science learning, problems and remedial teaching.

Tripura TET Social Studies Syllabus

(A) Geography (15 MCQs)

  • Geography as a social study and as a science.
  • The Solar System.
  • Globe, Latitudes and Longitudes.
  • Interior of the Earth.
  • Rocks: types and characteristics.
  • Our changing earth: weathering and erosion.
  • Geomorphic process: endogenous process and landforms, folding, faulting, earthquake and volcanic activities, exogenous process and resultant landforms – works of river, glacier, winds and waves.
  • Atmosphere: composition, structure, temperature, pressure, wind system and precipitation,
  • Hydrosphere: ocean currents (Indian, Pacific, Atlantic) and tides.
  • Economic geography: resources, types – natural and human.
  • Agriculture: types of farming.
  • Industry: classification, locational factors of industries: iron and steel industry, cotton textile industry, automobile industry, information technology (IT) industry.
  • Human Environment: settlement, transport and communication.
  • Physical Environment: concept and nature.
  • Pollution of air and water, deforestation and its impact, ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect.
  • Concept of hazard and disaster, industrial hazard, biological hazard, wildfire hazard, landslides.
  • India as a physical unit (relief drainage).
  • Forest, mineral and power resources of Tripura.

(B) History (15 MCQs)

  • Civilization: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Harappa, and Aryan Civilization, Buddhism and Jainism, First Cities, Early Societies, First Farmers and Herders.
  • Sixteen Mahajanapada and the First Empire: Asoka the Great, Contact with Distant Lands, Political Developments, Science and Literature in Gupta Age, Art and Architecture of Pallavas.
  • Sultans of Delhi – 1st and 2nd Battle of Tarain, Foundation and Consolidation of Delhi Sultanate, The Slave Dynasty – Iltutmish, Khalji Dynasty – Allauddin. Taimur’s Invasion Architecture, The Bhakti and Sufi Movements.
  • Beginning of the Mughal Rule – Babar, 1st and 2nd Battle of Panipat, Battle of Khanuar, Battle of Chousa, Akbar the Great, Mughal Art and Architecture, Social Change, Regional Cultures.
  • The Establishment of Company Power in India, Battle of Palashi, Battle of Buxar, Grant of Diwani, Rural life and Society, Colonialism and Tribal Societies, Agrarian Revolts – Indigo, Santal, Munda, The Revolt of 1857, Social and Cultural Reform Movements of India in 19th Century India, Challenging the Caste System, Women and Reforms.
  • The National Movement – Gandhian Era, Role of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
  • India after Independence.
  • Tribal Society and Festivals of Tripura.

(C) Social and Political Life (15 MCQs)

  • Diversity in Indian Society: Society and Institutions, Unpacking Gender Inequality, Social Justice and the Marginalized, Human Rights, Understanding Media.
  • Democracy, Government, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, the Constitution of India, Parliamentary System of Government, Central Government, State Government, Local Self – Government in Tripura, Election Process in India.
  • Social Justice and the Marginalised.

(D) Pedagogical Issues in Social Studies (15 MCQs)

  • Concept and Nature of Social Studies/ Social Science.
  • Nature, Scope and Significance of Social Science Curriculum: Trends, Principles, and Organizations, Techniques and Planning of Instructions, Classroom Processes and Activities, Types of Learners and Requirments (Academic and Environmental), Problems of Teaching Social Science, Developing Critical Thinking, Sources of Knowledge in Social Science – Primary, Secondary, Concept and nature of Project Works, Co-Curricular Activities, Purpose and Modern Trends of Evaluation.

Tripura TET Syllabus PDF

Candidates preparing for the Tripura TET Exam 2025 should access and download the Tripura TET Syllabus 2025 PDF. This will allow them to frequently refer to the syllabus, exam pattern, and marks distribution. By doing so, they can effectively keep track of the subjects and topics they need to study, ensuring a focused and organized approach to their preparation for the Tripura TET Exam.

Tripura TET Syllabus 2025 PDF 
Tripura TET Syllabus 2025 for Paper I Download PDF
Tripura TET Syllabus 2025 for Paper II Download PDF


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What is the exam date of Tripura TET 2025?

The examination date for Tripura TET will be intimidated soon on the official website.

When will the Tripura TET Application Process 2025 begin?

Tripura TET Application Process 2025 will begun soon on the official website.

What is the last date to submit the Tripura TET Application Form 2025?

The last date to submit the Tripura TET Application Form 2025 will be mentioned in the detailed notification

What is the difficulty level for both papers of Tripura TET 2025?

The difficulty level for both papers of Tripura TET 2025

Difficulty Level for Paper 1: up to the Secondary stage (10th class)
Difficulty Level for Paper 2: up to the Senior Secondary stage (12th class)

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.