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UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern PDF Download

UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus 2024 has been available on official website. Candidate who are preparing for NET Exam of Comparative Literature, must check the detailed Syllabus and Exam Pattern which has been provided below. All the candidate who are interested in NTA NET Exam Preparation for Comparative Literature Subject, Subject Code 72, must check the detailed information in below article.

UGC NET Comparative Literature Exam Pattern

The UGC NET Comparative Literature exam pattern comprises two papers: Paper I and Paper II. UGC NET Syllabus for Paper I is common for all subjects and tests candidates on teaching and research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. It consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, each carrying two marks. Paper II focuses specifically on Comparative Literature and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions based on the syllabus prescribed by UGC.

UGC NET 2024 paper assesses candidates’ understanding of literary theories, comparative methodologies, major literary movements, and works from different cultures and languages. Both papers are conducted in online mode, and candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each paper as per UGC guidelines to be considered for eligibility for Assistant Professorship or Junior Research Fellowship.

UGC NET Syllabus For Comparative Literature Paper II

This syllabus provides a comprehensive framework for candidates preparing for the UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper II exam, covering key theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, and thematic areas essential for advanced study and research in comparative literary studies.

The UGC NET Exam pattern for Comparative Literature Paper II is as follows:

  • Mode of Exam: Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Language: English or Hindi (as chosen by the candidate during application)
  • Number of Questions: 100 questions
  • Marks per Question: 2 marks each
  • Total Marks: 200 marks
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Negative Marking: There is NO negative marking for incorrect answers.

UGC NET Comparative Literature Important Topics

UGC NET Comparative Literature Important Topics has been provided below for NET exam better preparation.

  1. Conceptual Framework of Comparative Literature
  2. Literary Historiography
  3. History of Comparative Literature
  4. Translation in Comparative Context
  5. Poetics and Literary Theory
  6. Indian Literature –I
  7. Indian Literature –II
  8. Literary Modes, Genres and Themes
  9. Interdisciplinarity and Intermediality
  10. Literary Dialogues

UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus Unit wise

The detailed unit wise UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus PDF has been provided below.

Unit – I Conceptual Framework of Comparative Literature
1. The Emergence of Comparative Literature
2. Difference/ Alterity and the Ethics of Plurality
3. Limitations of the Idea of National Literature
4. Theories of Interpretation

Unit – II Literary Historiography
1. Sources of Literary History: Oral, Manuscriptal, Scriptal and Virtual
2. Approaches to Literary History: Integrationist and other models
3. Problems of Periodization

Unit – III History of Comparative Literature
1. History of Comparative Literature : French, German, Russian and Tel Aviv Schools
2. Comparative Literature in India: From Tagore to the Present
3. World Literature: From Goethe to the Present
4. “The State of the Discipline” Reports

Unit – IV Translation in Comparative Context
1. History and Politics of Translation
2. Translation as Reception
3. Problems and Promises of Translation in Multilingual Situations
4. Untranslatability and Silence

Unit – V Poetics and Literary Theory
1. Indian Poetics: Sanskrit and Tamil
2. Perso-Arabic Traditions
3. Western Classical Literary Theory

Unit – VI Indian Literature –I
1. Classical – Sanskrit, Tamil, Pali and other literary traditions
2. Medieval –Formations of Language-Literature (bhasha) Traditions in India;Bhakti, Santand Sufi Literature
3. Contact with West Asian, South-east Asian and South Asian literary traditions

Unit – VII Indian Literature – II
1. Modernity as a concept
2. Colonial Modernity: Transactions with Western Forms and Literary Traditions
3. Modernity as Discourse: Multiple Modernisms in the Context of Various Language-Literatures
4. Discontents of Modernity: Literatures of Women, Adivasis, Dalits, Minorities and others

Unit – VIII Literary Modes, Genres and Themes
1. The “literary” as a convention
2. Mode and Performativity: Tragedy, Epic and Novel
3. Genres: Theories; Taxonomy : Generic Markers and Transformations
4. Themes: Motifs, Myth, Archetypes

Unit – IX Interdisciplinarity and Intermediality
1. Literature and Other Arts: Texts Across Mediums
2. Literary Studies and Other Disciplines

Unit – X Literary Dialogues
1. Intertextuality, Parody and Pastiche
2. Re-writing in Diachronic and Synchronic Frames
3. Adaptation, Appropriation and Assimilation

UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus PDF Link

The direct Link has been available to download UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus PDF provided below. Click on below link to download UGC NET Syllabus for Comparative Literature Subject.

UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus PDF Link

UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper II Marking Scheme

The UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper II follows a straightforward marking scheme:

  • Each question carries 2 marks. This applies to all 100 questions in the paper.
  • There is no negative marking. You won’t be penalized for attempting a question and getting it wrong. There’s no deduction of marks for incorrect answers.
  • Marks are awarded only for correct responses. Make sure you choose the most accurate answer for each question to score.
  • Unanswered questions receive 0 marks. It’s generally advisable to attempt all questions, even if you’re unsure.

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UGC NET Comparative Literature Syllabus: FAQs

What is the exam pattern for UGC NET Comparative Literature?

The UGC NET Comparative Literature exam comprises two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is common for all subjects and assesses candidates on teaching and research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. Paper II focuses specifically on Comparative Literature and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions based on the prescribed syllabus.

What topics does the UGC NET Comparative Literature syllabus cover?

The syllabus covers a wide range of topics including Literary Theory and Criticism, Comparative Methodology, Major Literary Movements, Regional and World Literature, Genre Studies, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Literature and Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Eco-criticism, Literary Adaptation, and Media Studies.

How many questions are there in UGC NET Comparative Literature Paper II?

Paper II consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, each carrying two marks.

About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.