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UGC NET Music Syllabus 2024, Download PDF in Hindi and English

UGC NET Music Syllabus 2024 has been released by the National Testing Agency on its official website. UGC NET examination is a highly competitive test held in India, assessing candidates’ qualifications for the esteemed positions of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). To aid those preparing for the UGC NET exam in 2024, we have outlined the comprehensive syllabus for UGC NET Music below.

UGC NET Music Exam Pattern

To effectively prepare for the UGC NET Music exam, it is crucial to understand its specific pattern, which aims to assess candidates’ knowledge and aptitude in the field. Here is a comprehensive overview of the NET Music exam pattern for your reference:

  • Mode of Examination: The UGC NET exam is conducted online.
  • Number of Papers: The exam comprises two papers, namely Paper 1 and Paper 2.
  • Paper 1: Designed to evaluate candidates’ teaching and research aptitude, Paper 1 consists of 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) carrying a total of 100 marks. Candidates are allotted 1 hour to complete this paper.
  • Paper 2: This paper focuses specifically on the subject of Music. It comprises 100 MCQs, carrying a total of 200 marks. Candidates are given 2 hours to complete Paper 2.
  • Marking Scheme: For both Paper 1 and Paper 2, each correct answer is awarded 2 marks. Importantly, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.
  • Syllabus Coverage: Paper 2 of the UGC NET Music exam covers the Music syllabus as prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC). This encompasses various topics such as philosophy, history, components of physical fitness, sports psychology, biomechanics, sports management, research methods, contemporary issues, and more.
  • Qualifying Marks: To qualify for the eligibility of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), candidates must secure the minimum qualifying marks determined by the UGC. These marks are based on the overall performance of candidates in both Paper 1 and Paper 2.

UGC NET Music Syllabus Topic Wise

The topic-wise UGC NET Syllabus for Music Subject has been given below. The candidates must check out the following table for detailed information on the UGC NET Exam for Music Subject.

  • Unit I: Technical Terms
  • Unit II: Folk Music
  • Unit III: Rasa and Aesthetics
  • Unit IV: Research Methodology and Pedagogy, Avenues, Interdisciplinary Aspects, Modern Technology
  • Unit V- X: Hindustani Music, Karnataka Music, Rabindra Sangeet and Percussion

Download UGC NET Music Syllabus PDF

UGC NET Music Syllabus PDF in Hindi and English has been given below. The candidates must click on the following link to access the UGC NET Music Syllabus PDF. Candidates can click on the direct link to download the UGC NET Music Syllabus PDF in Hindi and English by clicking through the below links.

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UGC NET Music Syllabus Paper 2

The detailed syllabus for Units I, II, III & IV is common to all inthe  UGC NET music Exam. Unit-V to X are subject-specific in music which can be downloaded through the below link.

Unit I: Technical Terms

Sangeet, Nada: ahata & anahata , Shruti & its five jaties, Seven Vedic Swaras, Seven Swaras used in Gandharva, Suddha & Vikrit Swara, Vadi- Samvadi, Anuvadi-Vivadi, Saptak, Aroha, Avaroha, Pakad / vishesa sanchara, Purvanga, Uttaranga, Audava, Shadava, Sampoorna, Varna, Alankara, Alapa, Tana, Gamaka, Alpatva-Bahutva, Graha, Ansha, Nyasa, Apanyas, Avirbhav,Tirobhava, Geeta; Gandharva, Gana, Marga Sangeeta, Deshi Sangeeta, Kutapa, Vrinda, Vaggeyakara Mela, Thata, Raga, Upanga ,Bhashanga ,Meend, Khatka, Murki, Soot, Gat, Jod, Jhala, Ghaseet, Baj, Harmony and Melody, Tala, laya and different layakari, common talas in Hindustani music, Sapta Talas and 35 Talas, Taladasa pranas, Yati, Theka, Matra, Vibhag, Tali, Khali, Quida, Peshkar, Uthaan, Gat, Paran, Rela, Tihai, Chakradar, Laggi, Ladi, Marga-Deshi Tala, Avartana, Sama, Vishama, Atita, Anagata, Dasvidha Gamakas, Panchdasa Gamakas ,Katapayadi scheme, Names of 12 Chakras, Twelve Swarasthanas, Niraval, Sangati, Mudra, Shadangas , Alapana, Tanam, Kaku, Akarmatrik notations.

Unit II: Folk Music

  • Origin, evolution and classification of Indian folk song/music.
  • Characteristics of folk music.
  • Detailed study of folk music, folk instruments and performers of various regions in India.
  • Ragas and Talas used in folk music
  • Folk fairs & festivals in India.

Unit III: Rasa and Aesthetics

  • Rasa, Principles of Rasa according to Bharata and others.
  • Rasa nishpatti and its application to Indian Classical Music.
  • Bhava and Rasa
  • Rasa in relation to swara, laya, tala, chhanda and lyrics.
  • Aesthetics according to Indian and Western philosophers.
  • General knowledge of 64 kalas according to Vatsyayan
  • General history of Raga-Ragini Paintings and Raga Dhayana.
  • Interrelation of Fine Arts.

Unit IV: Research Methodology and Pedagogy

  • Research Pedagogy: Research areas, review of literature, selection of suitable research topics and research problems, Methodology of Music Research, Preparing synopsis, Data collection and its sources, Analysis of data collection, Writing project report, Research project Indexing, references and bibliography etc.
  • Research Avenues and its Interdisciplinary aspects: Music and Literature, Music Therapy, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Social Sciences, Religion and Culture.
  • Modern Technology: Electronic equipment, computers, internet etc.
  • New trends in Indian Music in the post-independence era.

How to Qualify Exam with UGC NET Music Syllabus

Qualifying for the UGC NET Music exam requires thorough preparation and a focused approach. Here are some tips to help you qualify for the exam with the UGC NET Music syllabus:

  • Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, including the number of papers, duration, marking scheme, and qualifying marks. This will give you a clear idea of what to expect and how to strategize your preparation.
  • Know the Syllabus: Study the UGC NET Music syllabus in detail. Identify the key topics and sub-topics mentioned in the syllabus. Ensure that you cover each topic comprehensively and allocate more time to areas with higher weightage.
  • Create a Study Plan: Develop a well-structured study plan that covers all the topics within the given timeframe. Allocate dedicated time for each subject and make sure to revise regularly. Stick to the study plan and maintain consistency throughout your preparation.
  • Utilize Reliable Study Material: Gather relevant study material, including textbooks, reference books, scholarly articles, and online resources. Choose reliable and recommended sources that align with the UGC NET Music syllabus. Use these materials to enhance your understanding of the subject.
  • Practice Previous Years’ Question Papers: Solving previous years’ question papers gives you a good understanding of the exam format, the types of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. It also helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Aim to solve a sufficient number of practice papers to build confidence and improve your time management skills.
  • Mock Tests and Online Practice: Take advantage of mock tests and online practice platforms designed specifically for the UGC NET Music exam. These resources provide simulated exam environments, helping you gauge your performance and identify areas that require further improvement.
  • Time Management and Exam Strategy: Develop effective time management skills to ensure that you can complete the exam within the allocated time frame. Practice solving questions within the time limits to improve your speed and accuracy. Additionally, strategize your exam approach by answering easier questions first and allocating appropriate time for more challenging ones.
  • Stay Updated and Revise Regularly: Keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the field of Music. Stay abreast of current affairs, contemporary issues, and recent research findings. Revise the entire syllabus regularly to reinforce your knowledge and retain important information.
  • Seek Guidance and Clarify Doubts: If you encounter any difficulties or have doubts regarding certain topics, seek guidance from professors, subject experts, or qualified mentors. Join study groups or online forums to discuss and clarify concepts with fellow aspirants.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: On the day of the exam, stay calm, maintain a positive mindset, and trust in your preparation. Read each question carefully, manage.
UGC NET 2024 Related Important Links
UGC NET 2024 UGC NET Syllabus
UGC NET Exam Pattern UGC NET Previous Year Papers
UGC NET Preparation Tips UGC NET Exam Date 2024
UGC NET Admit Card 2024 UGC NET Cut-Off
UGC NET Mock Test UGC NET Online Coaching
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UGC NET Paper I 2024

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UGC NET Music Syllabus 2024, Download PDF in Hindi and English_4.1


What is UGC NET Music syllabus?

UGC NET Music is a competitive exam conducted in India to determine the eligibility of candidates for the post of Assistant Professor and the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the field of Music.

Who conducts the UGC NET Music exam?

The UGC NET Music exam is administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

What are the qualifying marks for UGC NET Music?

The qualifying marks for UGC NET Music are determined by the UGC based on the aggregate performance of candidates in both Paper 1 and Paper 2.

About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.