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UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus 2024 PDF Download Link

University Grants Commission is a National-level exam that qualifies candidates to be eligible for JRF and Lecturer in Indian institutions. To pursue an academic career, candidates have to choose a subject. Candidates who chose Rajasthani as their main domain can find the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus on the official website. For the domain, expect questions on the language’s history, dialects, and various literary forms like poetry and drama. You’ll also encounter in-depth analysis of important Rajasthani works and authors. The exam explores the linguistic aspects of Rajasthani along with its rich folklore and cultural traditions.

UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has recently unveiled the syllabus for the UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) Rajasthani subject. This development is crucial for candidates preparing to excel in this prestigious examination. Let’s delve into the details of the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus to understand its scope and key areas.

The syllabus for the UGC NET Rajasthani subject encompasses various topics designed to assess candidates’ proficiency in the language, literature, and cultural aspects of Rajasthani. It aims to evaluate candidates’ comprehensive understanding of the subject and their ability to analyze and interpret Rajasthani literature and cultural heritage.

NET Rajasthani Syllabus & Exam Pattern

The UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) for Rajasthani subjects follows a structured exam pattern designed to assess candidates’ proficiency in the language, literature, and cultural aspects of Rajasthani. Understanding the exam pattern is essential for effective preparation. The NET Rajasthani examination is conducted in online mode, where candidates interact with the exam interface on a computer. The NTA NET Rajasthani exam consists of two papers – Paper I and Paper II. Both papers are conducted in a single session with a short break in between. Here’s an overview of the paper pattern:

Paper I: General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude

  • Duration: 1 hour (60 minutes)
  • Number of Questions: 50
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Nature of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Topics Covered: Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Reading Comprehension, Communication, Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), People and Environment, Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration.

Paper II: Rajasthani Subject Paper

  • Duration: 2 hours (120 minutes)
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Total Marks: 200
  • Nature of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Topics Covered: The syllabus for Paper II is based on the UGC NET Rajasthani syllabus released by NTA. It includes sections on Language Proficiency, Literature, Cultural Heritage, Critical Analysis, and Interpretation.

NTA NET Rajasthani Syllabus Important Topics

Preparing for the NTA NET (National Eligibility Test) Rajasthani exam requires a focused approach on key topics to ensure comprehensive coverage. Here are some important topics from the syllabus that candidates should prioritize during their preparation.

  • राजस्थानी भाषा – उद्भव, विकास, एवं बोलियां
  • राजस्थानी व्याकरण
  • राजस्थानी साहित्य – काल विभाजन एवं रूप-परम्परा
  • प्राचीन राजस्थानी साहित्य
  • मध्यकालीन राजस्थानी साहित्य
  • आधुनिक राजस्थानी काव्य
  • आधुनिक राजस्थानी गद्य
  • राजस्थानी लोक-साहित्य – विविध विधाएं
  • राजस्थानी लोक संस्कृति – सामान्य परिचय
  • राजस्थानी काव्य-शास्त्र

UGC Rajasthani Syllabus Paper II

Paper II of the UGC NET Rajasthani examination focuses specifically on the Rajasthani subject, covering various aspects of language, literature, and cultural heritage. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus for Paper II:

Unit 1: राजस्थानी भाषा – उद्भव, विकास, एवं बोलियां

  • राजस्थानी भाषा का उद्भव, विकास एवं ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि – वैदिक एवं लौकिक संस्कृत, पालि, प्राकृत, अपभ्रंश के सन्दर्भ में
  • राजस्थानी भाषा की प्रमुख बोलियां एवं उनका क्षेत्र – मारवाड़ी, मेवाड़ी, हाड़ौती, ढूंढाड़ी, वागड़ी, मेवाती एवं मालवी
  • राजस्थानी लिपि – मुड़िया (महाजनी)
  • राजस्थानी काव्य शैलियां –
    • डिंगल – पिंगल शैली
    • जैन शैली, चारण शैली, संत शैली एवं लौकिक शैली

Unit 2: राजस्थानी व्याकरण

  • राजस्थानी वर्णमाला
  • राजस्थानी की विशिष्ट ध्वनियां
  • राजस्थानी व्याकरण: सामान्य ज्ञान – संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, लिंग, वचन, कारक, विशेषण, क्रिया, क्रिया-विशेषण, अविकारी शब्द (अव्यय), समास, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द युग्म, अनेकार्थी शब्द, तत्सम, तद्भव एवं देशज शब्द
  • शब्द-कोश-लेखन परम्परा

Unit 3: राजस्थानी साहित्य – काल विभाजन एवं रूप-परम्परा

  • काल-विभाजन –
    • प्राचीन काल – सामान्य परिचय
    • मध्यकाल – सामान्य परिचय
    • आधुनिक काल – सामान्य परिचय
  • प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन काव्य के प्रकार एवं काव्य व गद्य-रूप-परम्परा –
    • काव्य के प्रकार : प्रबंध काव्य (महाकाव्य, खण्डकाव्य), मुक्तककाव्य
    • काव्य-रूप – रासो, वेलि, फागु, पवाड़ा, बारहमासा, सिलोका, संधि, विवाहलो, स्तवन, हीयाळी, चरित
    • गद्य – रूप – बात, ख्यात, विगत, वचनिका, दवावैत, बालावबोध, टीका, टब्बा, वंशावली, पट्टा

Unit 4: प्राचीन राजस्थानी साहित्य

  • ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि
  • प्रमुख प्रवृत्तियां
  • प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं रचनाएं – वर्गीकरण, विषयवस्तु एवं विशेषताएं

Unit 5: मध्यकालीन राजस्थानी साहित्य

  • ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि
  • प्रमुख प्रवृत्तियां – वीर, भक्ति, शृंगार, नीति, रीति, प्रेमाख्यान एवं प्रकृति परक
  • प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं रचनाएं – वर्गीकरण, विषयवस्तु एवं विशेषताएं
  • प्रमुख संत सम्प्रदाय – नाथ-सिद्ध, गूदड़-पंथ, विश्नोई सम्प्रदाय, दादू पंथ, रामस्नेही, जसनाथी, चरणदासी, लालदासी, निरंजनी, आई पंथ एवं जैन सम्प्रदाय

Unit 6: आधुनिक राजस्थानी काव्य

  • ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि
  • प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं रचनाएं वर्गीकरण, विषयवस्तु एवं विशेषताएं
  • राष्ट्रीय चेतना परक एवं वीर काव्य
  • प्रगतिवादी काव्य
  • प्रकृति परक काव्य
  • नई कविता
  • हास्य एवं व्यंग्य प्रधान काव्य
  • मानवतावादी काव्य
  • अनूदित काव्य

Unit 7: आधुनिक राजस्थानी गद्य

  • प्रमुख रचनाकार एवं रचनाएं वर्गीकरण, विषयवस्तु एवं विशेषताएं
  • कहानी
  • उपन्यास
  • नाटक
  • एकांकी
  • निबंध
  • संस्मरण एवं रेखाचित्र
  • अन्य विधाएं: हास्य-व्यंग्य, आत्मकथा, आलोचना, यात्रा वृतांत, रिपोर्ताज, अनूदित गद्य एवं गद्यगीत

Unit 8: राजस्थानी लोक-साहित्य – विविध विधाएं

विषयवस्तु, वर्गीकरण एवं विशेषताएं-

    • राजस्थानी लोकगीत
    • राजस्थानी लोककथा
    • राजस्थानी लोकगाथा
    • राजस्थानी लोक नाट्य
    • राजस्थानी लोकोक्ति साहित्य, कहावतें, मुहावरे एवं पहेलियां

Unit 9: राजस्थानी लोक संस्कृति – सामान्य परिचय

  • राजस्थानी लोकोत्सव – पर्व, मेले, तीज-त्यौहार
  • राजस्थानी लोक देवी-देवता
  • राजस्थानी लोककलाएं – मांडणा, मेंहदी, सांझी, फड़, हस्तशिल्प
  • राजस्थानी चित्रकला – विभिन्न शैलियां एवं चित्रकार
  • राजस्थानी स्थापत्य कला-विभिन्न शैलियां एवं शिल्पकार
  • राजस्थानी लोक नृत्य प्रकार एवं कलाकार
  • राजस्थानी लोक वाद्य
  • राजस्थानी-संस्कार, रीतिरिवाज, खान-पान, वेशभूषा एवं आभूषण
  • राजस्थानी लोक विश्वास एवं शकुन
  • राजस्थानी भाषा, साहित्य एवं संस्कृति-सेवी संस्थाएं
  • राजस्थानी पत्र-पत्रिकाएं एवं पुरस्कार

Unit 10: राजस्थानी काव्य-शास्त्र

  • राजस्थानी साहित्य के प्रमुख लक्षण ग्रंथ- सामान्य परिचय
  • काव्य-शास्त्र के प्रमुख सिद्धांत – रस सम्प्रदाय, अंलकार सम्प्रदाय एवं ध्वनि सम्प्रदाय
  • शब्द शक्ति
  • छंद – दोहा, सोरठा, गीत, कुण्डलिया, छप्पय, नीसांणी, चौपई, झमाल, झूलणा, रेणुकी, कवित्त, चित्त इलोळ
  • अलंकार – वयणसगाई, रूपक, उपमा, उत्प्रेक्षा, यमक, श्लेष, वक्रोक्ति, अतिशयोक्ति, व्याजस्तुति, अन्योक्ति, संदेह एवं भ्रांतिमान
  • काव्य-दोष – अंध, छबकाळ, हीण, निनंग, पांगळौ, जातविरोध, अपस्, नाळछेद, पखतूट, बहरौ, अमंगळ

Download UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus PDF

The direct link to download the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus PDF has been provided below. All interested candidates can check the below link to download the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus through the below link.

Download UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus PDF

National Eligibility Test Rajasthani Qualifying Marks

The National Eligibility Test (NET) in Rajasthani, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), has specific qualifying marks that candidates need to achieve to be considered eligible for Assistant Professorship and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Candidates who meet the prescribed qualifying marks criteria in both Paper I and Paper II are considered eligible for Assistant Professorship. Additionally, those who qualify for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) are determined based on the criteria set by the UGC. Here are the qualifying marks criteria:

General Category Candidates

  • For Paper I: Candidates need to secure at least 40% aggregate marks.
  • For Paper II: A minimum of 40% aggregate marks is required.
  • Total Qualifying Marks: General category candidates need to score 50% aggregate marks in both Paper I and Paper II combined.

OBC (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PwD/Transgender Candidates

  • The qualifying criteria for OBC (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PwD/Transgender candidates are relaxed.
  • For Paper I: A minimum aggregate score of 35% is required.
  • For Paper II: Candidates need to secure at least 35% aggregate marks.
  • Total Qualifying Marks: OBC (Non-creamy layer)/SC/ST/PwD/Transgender candidates need to obtain 45% aggregate marks in both Paper I and Paper II combined.

Benefits of NTA UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus

The NTA UGC NET Rajasthani syllabus offers several benefits for aspiring teachers and researchers of the Rajasthani language and literature:

  • Structured Learning: The syllabus provides a clear framework for your studies, outlining the key areas you need to focus on. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of Rajasthani in various aspects.
  • Strong Foundation: By covering the history and development of Rajasthani, the syllabus equips you with a solid foundation in the language’s evolution and its connection to other languages.
  • Literary Expertise: The focus on different literary genres and prominent figures exposes you to a rich tapestry of Rajasthani literature. You gain an appreciation for various writing styles, themes, and the contributions of influential authors.
  • Linguistic Knowledge: The syllabus delves into the core aspects of Rajasthani linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. This deepens your understanding of how the language functions and how meaning is constructed.
  • Cultural Appreciation: By exploring Rajasthani folklore and culture, the syllabus fosters an appreciation for the rich heritage of Rajasthan. You learn how traditions and customs have influenced the language and its literature.
  • Research and Teaching Skills: The syllabus indirectly prepares you for research and teaching in Rajasthani. By mastering the various topics, you gain the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to conduct research and effectively teach the language and literature to others.
  • Career Opportunities: Qualifying the UGC NET with a specialization in Rajasthani opens doors to various career opportunities. You can pursue a teaching career at the college or university level, or delve into research projects focused on Rajasthani language and literature.

UGC NET Paper I 2024


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UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus 2024: FAQs

What is the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus?

The UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus encompasses various topics designed to assess candidates' proficiency in the language, literature, and cultural aspects of Rajasthani. It aims to evaluate candidates' comprehensive understanding of the subject and their ability to analyze and interpret Rajasthani literature and cultural heritage.

What is the exam pattern for UGC NET Rajasthani?

The UGC NET Rajasthani exam consists of two papers - Paper I and Paper II. Paper I tests general teaching and research aptitude, while Paper II focuses specifically on the Rajasthani subject. Paper II covers topics such as language proficiency, literature, cultural heritage, critical analysis, and interpretation.

What are some important topics covered in the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus

Some important topics covered in the UGC NET Rajasthani Syllabus include:

Rajasthani language: Origin, development, dialects
Rajasthani literature: Historical development, medieval and modern literature, folk literature
Literary forms: Poetry, prose, drama
Cultural heritage: Folklore, traditions, festivals, rituals
Linguistic aspects: Grammar, vocabulary, phonetics

About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.