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UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025, Download PDF Now

The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Services Selection Board (UPSESSB) has officially released the UP PGT Physics Syllabus on its website. Candidates preparing for the exam should carefully review the syllabus to gain a clear understanding of the exam pattern, marks distribution, marking scheme, and key topics covered. For a detailed breakdown and expert guidance, refer to the following article, which provides a comprehensive overview of the UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025.

UP PGT Physics Syllabus

UPSESSB has announced the UP TGT PGT Recruitment 2025 for 4,163 vacancies, making it essential for candidates to thoroughly review the UP TGT PGT Syllabus 2025 and plan their preparation accordingly. The UP PGT Physics Syllabus plays a crucial role in guiding candidates through key topics, ensuring a strategic approach to the exam.

The syllabus covers fundamental and advanced concepts, including Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics, and Electronics. The exam consists of 125 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), carrying a total of 425 marks, with no negative marking. A clear understanding of the syllabus helps candidates focus their studies, manage time effectively, and improve accuracy- key factors for securing a teaching position in Uttar Pradesh government schools.

UP PGT Physics Exam Pattern 2025

The UP Exam Pattern 2025 for PGT Physics includes a single written examination with 125 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), carrying a total of 425 marks. Each question is worth 3.4 marks, and candidates will have 2 hours to complete the exam. Notably, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers. This exam pattern is structured to assess candidates’ subject knowledge, teaching aptitude, and reasoning skills. To enhance their chances of success, aspirants must prepare thoroughly, covering all relevant topics strategically.

UP PGT Physics Exam Pattern 2025
No. of Questions 125 Questions
Time Duration 2 hours
Marks 425
Negative Marking No
Each Question 3.4 marks
Type of Questions MCQ

UP PGT Physics Marks Distribution 2025

The UP PGT Physics Marks Distribution 2025 is structured into three key components, totaling 500 marks. The written exam carries the highest weightage at 425 marks (85%), focusing on subject knowledge and teaching aptitude. The interview accounts for 50 marks (10%), assessing candidates’ communication skills, subject expertise, and overall suitability for the role. Additionally, special qualifications such as MEd, PhD, or NET contribute 25 marks (5%). This well-defined marking scheme ensures a comprehensive and fair evaluation of candidates based on their academic credentials, teaching abilities, and additional qualifications.

UP PGT Physics Marks Weightage 2025
S.No. Exam For PGT Post For TGT Post
Marks Percentage Marks Percentage
1 Written Exam 425 85 500 100
2 Interview 50 10
3 Special Qualification 25 5
Total 500 100 500 100

UP PGT Physics Syllabus Detailed

The UP PGT Physics Syllabus encompasses a broad range of topics, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of candidates’ proficiency in key areas of physics. It includes Classical Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics, and Electronics.

Key topics covered within these domains include kinematics, Newton’s laws, rotational motion, gravitation, thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, electrostatics, current electricity, and electromagnetic induction. Additionally, the syllabus features wave optics, interference, diffraction, polarization, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, nuclear physics, and semiconductor devices. Designed to assess both conceptual clarity and problem-solving skills, the syllabus emphasizes a strong understanding of fundamental principles and their practical applications in physics.

UP PGT Physics Syllabus Detailed
Unit Description
  • Units & Measurement: Fundamental and derived units, international system of units, vectors (addition, subtraction, multiplication), gradient, divergence, and curl.
  • Motion & Dynamics: Center of mass, linear momentum, force, torque, angular momentum, conservation laws, centripetal force & acceleration, central force, potential energy.
  • Gravitational Motion: Motion under inverse square law, Kepler’s laws, satellite motion, projectile motion.
  • Rotational Motion: Angular acceleration, moment of inertia, rigid body motion.
  • Elasticity: Stress, strain, Hooke’s law, coefficient of elasticity.
  • Surface Tension: Molecular theory, cohesive & adhesive forces, capillarity, contact angle, excess pressure, meniscus shape.
  • Viscosity: Ideal fluid flow, continuity equation, Bernoulli’s theorem, Poiseuille’s equation, Stokes’ law.
Thermal Physics
  • Thermodynamics: System, thermodynamic equilibrium, state variables, isothermal & adiabatic processes, concept of heat & work.
  • Laws of Thermodynamics: First law, Joule’s law, internal energy applications, Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem.
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, root mean square speed, average speed, mean free path, transport phenomena.
  • Heat Conduction & Radiation: Fourier’s law, conductors, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien’s displacement law, Planck’s law.
  • Geometrical Optics: Fermat’s principle, thin lens combination, aberrations, resolving power of telescopes & microscopes.
  • Physical Optics: Interference, coherence, Young’s double-slit experiment, diffraction (Fresnel & Fraunhofer), Rayleigh’s criterion.
  • Polarization: Types of polarized light, production & detection, Brewster’s law, Malus’ law, Nicol prism, optical rotation.
Waves & Oscillations
  • Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): Pendulums, springs, forced oscillations, resonance.
  • Wave Motion: Superposition principle, beats, stationary waves, Melde’s experiment.
  • Sound Waves: Organ pipes, ultrasonic waves, Doppler effect.
  • Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, electric field & potential, dipole potential.
  • Capacitors: Parallel plate & spherical capacitors, energy storage.
  • Magnetostatics: Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart law, magnetic field due to a loop, Helmholtz coil, susceptibility.
  • Current Electricity: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer, heating effect of current.
  • Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, transformers, Eddy currents, Anderson bridge.
  • Alternating Current (AC): LCR circuits, resonance, power factor.
Modern Physics
  • Photoelectric Effect: Einstein’s equation, work function, threshold frequency, photovoltaic cell.
  • Atomic Physics: Bohr’s model, energy levels, absorption & emission spectra.
  • Nuclear Physics: Radioactivity, half-life, mass defect, nuclear binding energy, fission & fusion, nuclear reactors.
  • X-rays: Production, continuous & characteristic spectra.
  • Solid-State Physics & Electronics: Thermionic emission, diodes, rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators, TV principles, cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO).

UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025 PDF

Candidates can refer to the table below to download the UP PGT Physics Syllabus PDF. Going through the syllabus before beginning their preparation will help them understand the important topics and structure their study plan efficiently. Regularly revisiting the syllabus throughout their preparation will ensure they stay focused and fine-tune their strategy for better performance.

UP PGT Physics Syllabus PDF
UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025 Download PDF Now


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UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025: FAQs

Where can I find the UP PGT Physics Syllabus for 2025?

The UP PGT Physics Syllabus 2025 has been published on the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Services Selection Board (UPSESSB). Candidates can download the syllabus PDF and find detailed information in the article above.

What topics are covered in the UP PGT Physics Syllabus?

The UP PGT Physics Syllabus includes topics such as Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics, and Electronics. Specific areas include kinematics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, wave optics, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, and more.

What is the exam pattern for UP PGT Physics 2025?

The exam consists of 125 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with a total of 425 marks. Each question carries 3.4 marks, and the exam duration is 2 hours. There is no negative marking.

How is the UP PGT Physics exam marked?

The UP PGT Physics exam carries a total of 500 marks, with 85% of the marks allocated to the written exam (425 marks), 10% to the interview (50 marks), and 5% to special qualifications (25 marks).

Is there any negative marking in the UP PGT Physics exam?

No, there is no negative marking in the UP PGT Physics exam.

How can I download the UP PGT Physics Syllabus PDF?

You can download the UP PGT Physics Syllabus PDF directly from the official UPSESSB website or through the provided download link in the article.

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I'm a content writer at Adda247, specializing in blog writing for National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. I research and curate genuine information to create engaging and authenticate articles. My goal is to provide valuable resources for aspiring candidates while promoting Adda247's mission.