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UP TGT PGT Hindi Preparation Tips: Check TGT PGT Hindi Topic Wise Strategy

UP TGT PGT Preparation Tips: Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board (UPSESSB) had released the application form for 4163 UP TGT PGT Posts. UP TGT PGT exam date will be released soon on official website. Candidates should start their preparation for UP TGT PGT Exam subject wise with better planning, knowledge of the syllabus, and exam pattern for better results. Here we are going to discuss strategy and tricks for UP TGT Hindi and UP PGT Hindi Exam preparation.

UP TGT PGT Hindi Vacancy Details

Hindi Male  Female Total
TGT Hindi 509 48 557
PGT Hindi 81 4 85

UP TGT PGT Hindi Exam Pattern

Details For TGT Post For PGT Post
Total Marks 500 425
Total Number of Questions 125 125
Each Question Carry 4 Marks 3.4 Marks
Exam Duration 2 hr 2 hr
Exam Type MCQ MCQ
 Exam Syllabus Subject Concerned Subject Concerned

UP TGT PGT Important Topic

As we all know that UP TGT PGT Exam will be going to held soon as application process will over. With lakhs of aspirants eyeing the UP TGT PGT  Vacancy, you must be thoroughly prepared to overcome any hurdle and surpass the highly competitive environment. Here we are listing the most important topic to be covered for UP TGT Hindi & UP PGT Hindi Exam.

UP TGT – Hindi Detailed Important Topic
हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास भक्तिकाल , भारतेंदु युग, दिवेदी युग, छायावाद, नयी कविता
हिन्दी गद्य साहित्य का विकास निबन्ध, नाटक, कहानी, आत्मकथा, रेखाचित्र, व्यंग्य
काव्य के भेद रस अलंकर, काव्य गुण -दोष, अवयव , रस, बोलिया, लिपि, व्याकरण, शब्द रूप, संधि, समास
संस्कृत साहित्य रचनाकार, कालिदास, धातु, संधि, समास, अनुवाद

UP TGT Syllabus 2022: Download PDF

UP PGT – Hindi Detailed Important Topic
हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास भक्तिकाल , भारतेंदु युग, दिवेदी युग, छायावाद, नयी कविता, संत काव्य, सूफी काव्य, कृष्ण काव्य, रीति काव्य
गद्य साहित्य का विकास निबन्ध, नाटक, कहानी, आत्मकथा, आलोचना, रेखाचित्र, व्यंग्य, लघु कथा, जीवनी
काव्य शास्त्र अलंकर, काव्य गुण -दोष, अवयव , रस, छन्द
भाषा विज्ञान उप भाषाए, बोलिया, लिपि, धवनि
व्याकरण वर्तनी, संधि, समास, विराम चिन्ह, शब्द रूप, वाकय शुधि
संस्कृत – साहित्य रचनाकार, कालिदास, माघ, दंडी, भारवी, राजशेखर, धातु, संधि, समास, अनुवाद. विभक्ति

UP TGT PGT Preparation Tips

  • Extensive knowledge of Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Candidate preparing for UP TGT / UP PGT – Hindi should have extensive and deep knowledge of UP TGT PGT exam patterns and syllabus. As UP TGT – Hindi exam difficulty level would be Graduation level. Candidates have to prepare their subjects deeply and precisely.  UP PGT – Hindi exam difficulty level will be more high so candidates has to take keen knowledge and interest in the subject.
  • Practice with Mock Test and quizzes: For better preparation, candidates have to daily practice with mock tests and quizzes which are based on the syllabus. Daily practice will tell you to improve topic-wise preparation.
  • Follow the Time Table: Prepare your timetable and strictly adhere to it. While preparing the timetable, keep in mind that it should not be exhaustive or burdensome for you. After you have completed your syllabus, revision is what matters the most. Running after new topics to study may tend to be confusing at this point, due to which, you can lose on topics you have prepared so far. So, it is advisable to focus on topics you’ve prepared till now and revise them.
  • Daily Topic Wise Time Allocation: Plan daily topic-wise preparation with time allocation. Give every topic 2 hr which include learning content and practice question on that topic. Each topic needs revision the next day so make short notes for the revision. Short notes also come in handy at the last-minute preparation of exams.
  • Previous Year Papers: UP TGT PGT previous year paper will help you in preparation for UP TGT / UP PGT – Hindi exam. This paper will help in time management. PYQ will give you the section-wise idea for exam preparation. Practice with them and clear your doubts.
  • Know What You Know: Go through all topics of the UP TGT / UP PGT – Hindi exam and then know your stronger parts, you won’t be good in every section. So focus on those sections in which you are mastered. Self Note making is very important for making your effort fruitful. These notes are life saviors for the aspirants at the last moment of the examination.
  • Be Confident And Stress-Free: As many of the candidates got panicked or stressed due to the extension of the exam date, which could prove to be a bad aspect in their preparation and eventually on the exam date. Be confident about your preparation and try to be stress-free from the fear of the exam. Keep yourself relaxed with some mediation or physical activities and keep yourself away from negative thoughts.

Good luck to all the candidates who have applied for the examination and by following the above tips you can make your preparation better and will definitely score good marks in the test.


Important Links
UP TGT PGT Vacancy UP TGT PGT Syllabus
UP TGT PGT Eligibility UP TGT PGT Previous Year Papers
UP TGT PGT Exam Date UP TGT PGT Teacher Salary
UP TGT PGT Result UP TGT PGT Answer Key
UP TGT PGT Cut Off How to Prepare for UP TGT PGT Exam


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UP TGT PGT Hindi Preparation Tips: Check TGT PGT Hindi Topic Wise Strategy_4.1


What is the minimum eligibility criteria for applying for TGT Hindi?

Graduation with bed

What is the minimum eligibility criteria for applying for PGT Hindi?

M.A. in Hindi from a recognized university established by law in India.
B.A. with Sanskrit subject from a recognized university established by law in India.

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.