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UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus and Exam Pattern, Download PDF

The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Services Selection Board (UPSESSB) is set to conduct the UP TGT exam after years of waiting. For a thorough preparation, candidates need to be well-versed with the UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 for a structured and detailed study schedule to prepare effectively for the upcoming exam. This syllabus outlines all the important topics covered in the exam, ensuring that aspirants get a clear understanding of what they need to study.

By carefully analyzing the syllabus, candidates can identify key areas that require more attention and organize their study plan accordingly. Understanding the syllabus will not only help aspirants stay on track with their preparation but also enable them to maximize their scores by focusing on the most relevant topics.

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025

Candidates appearing for the UP TGT Sanskrit Exam must focus on various aspects of Sanskrit literature, grammar, and pedagogy. The UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 offers a detailed breakdown of prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and Sanskrit sayings, ensuring candidates have a comprehensive understanding of the subject. This syllabus will guide aspirants in understanding the scope of the exam, the distribution of topics, and the weightage of different sections. Mastering these concepts will allow candidates to approach the exam with confidence and precision.

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus: Outline

The UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 provides a detailed framework for candidates preparing for the UP Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Sanskrit exam. This syllabus is carefully designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge of Sanskrit literature, grammar rules, and Sanskrit pedagogy. Below is an outline of the UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus, covering important details related to the exam:

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025
Recruitment Name UP TGT PGT Teacher Vacancy 2025
Origination Name Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board
Advertisement No. Advt No. 01/2022
Selection Process Written Exam, Interview
Section UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus
Syllabus Sections Prose, Poetry, Drama, Grammar, Sanskrit Sayings
Exam Date for TGT 14-15 May 2025

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus in Detail

The UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 includes various topics that help candidates build a strong understanding of the Sanskrit language and literature. This syllabus is designed to test the knowledge of important Sanskrit texts, grammar rules, and teaching methods. Candidates will have to study different types of Sanskrit writings, such as prose, poetry, and drama. They will also need to learn about Sanskrit grammar, including sentence structure, word formations, and verb conjugations.

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus in Detail
विषय विवरण
पद्य, पद्य, नाटक कादम्बरी (पूर्वार्धम्), विक्रमोर्वशीयम् (प्रथम तो भाग), श्रीरामचरितम् (प्रथम सर्ग), मेघदूतम् (पूर्वी), नीति शतकम् (पूर्वी), अभिज्ञान शाकुन्तलम् (चतुर्थ अङ्काध्याय), उत्तररामचरितम् (तृतीय अङ्काध्याय)
संस्कृत व्याकरण सन्धि, समास, कारक, सन्नन्तर
संज्ञा रूप अकारान्त, इकारान्त, उकारान्त, ऋकारान्त पुल्लिंग, स्त्रीलिंग, नपुंसकलिंग
सर्वनाम रूप सर्व, तद्, किम्, युष्मद्, इदम्, अस्मद्, अन्यत्
संस्कृत संख्याएँ 1 से 100 तक
धातु रूप (लकार में) भू, गम्, पठ्, दा, नम्, कृ, वृत्, क्री, दिव्, जन्, दृश्, रक्ष्, स्मृ, दुह्
संस्कृत सूक्तियाँ संस्कृत सुभाषित एवं नीति वाक्य
वाक्य रूपान्तरण पद परिवर्तन, वृत्ति प्रकार
शिक्षण विधियाँ व्याकरण, अनुवाद, एवं शिक्षण की विधियाँ

UP TGT Sanskrit Exam Pattern 2025

The UP TGT Sanskrit Exam 2025 is designed to evaluate candidates’ understanding of Sanskrit literature, grammar, and teaching methodologies. This structured exam ensures that aspirants have a strong grasp of both classical and modern aspects of the language.

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering key topics such as prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and Sanskrit sayings. Candidates must demonstrate their knowledge of important literary works, grammatical rules, and sentence structures. Since this is a competitive exam, it is essential to prepare thoroughly and focus on all sections of the syllabus.

UP TGT Sanskrit Exam Pattern
Examination Scheme Total Questions Marks per Question Total Marks Exam Duration Answer Options per Question
125 MCQs 4 marks 500 marks 2 hours 4 options (only 1 correct)
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Marking Scheme No negative marking
Compulsory Questions All questions are compulsory
Focus Areas Indian Art, Painting Styles, Art History, Principles of Composition

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

The UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 PDF is an essential resource for candidates preparing for the exam. It provides a detailed breakdown of the topics covered under each section, offering clarity on what to focus on. By downloading the PDF, candidates can easily access all necessary information, allowing them to streamline their preparation.

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

Important Links
UP TGT PGT Vacancy UP TGT PGT Syllabus
UP TGT PGT Eligibility UP TGT PGT Previous Year Papers
UP TGT PGT Exam Date UP TGT PGT Teacher Salary
UP TGT PGT Result UP TGT PGT Answer Key
UP TGT PGT Cut Off How to Prepare for UP TGT PGT Exam

UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus and Exam Pattern, Download PDF_3.1


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UP TGT Sanskrit Syllabus: FAQs

How many questions will be in the UP TGT Sanskrit exam?

The exam will have 125 multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

hat are the main topics covered in the UP TGT Sanskrit syllabus?

The syllabus includes prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and Sanskrit sayings.

Is there an interview in the UP TGT Sanskrit selection process?

No, the selection is based only on the written exam.

What is the difficulty level of the UP TGT Sanskrit exam?

The exam is based on graduate-level Sanskrit knowledge.

What is the marking scheme for the exam?

Each correct answer carries 4 marks, making the total exam 500 marks.

About the Author

As a Content Writer, I specialize in crafting comprehensive and engaging articles for the Teaching-UGC domain, with a focus on National and State-level government exams. My work centers on delivering well-researched and reliable content that empowers aspirants with the knowledge and confidence to excel. Through my collaboration with Adda247, I contribute to creating impactful resources that effectively support students in achieving their academic and career goals.