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What is CG TET Certificate Validity? CG TET Certificate Validity

CG TET Certificate Validity: CG TET Certificate Validity has been revised by NCTE. CG TET 2022 examination has been going to held by Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB). CG TET will be going to held on 18 September 2022 in various districts of Chhattisgarh. As the CG TET exam is nearby, Candidates are preparing for CG TET 2022. With CG TET 2022 examination preparation, many questions are arises by candidates i.e. What is the validity of the CG TET examination? What is the CG TET certificate? Here we are going to explain these questions about CG TET 2022.

CG TET Exam 2022: CG TET Last Minute Preparation Tips

CG TET Certificate Validity Overview

Exam Name Chhattisgarh Teacher Eligibility Test (CG TET)
Conducting Body Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB)
Exam Level State-level
Exam Frequency Once in a year
Exam Mode Conventional (pen and paper)
Exam Duration Two and a half hours
Language Bilingual ( English and Hindi)
Exam Purpose To recruit teachers for Primary (classes I to V) and Upper Primary (classes VI to VIII) Sections in Government Schools in Chhattisgarh
Marking Scheme 1 mark for right answer
Negative Marking No

CG TET Exam Important Dates

Event Date
CG TET 2022 Online Application Process starts 23rd August 2022
CG TET 2022 Online Application Process ends 6th September 2022
Correction Window 7th September – 9th September 2022
Admit card release date 12th September 2022
CG TET 2022 exam date 18th September 2022
CG TET Answer key To be announced
CG TET Result To be announced

CG TET Certificate Validity

CG TET certificate validity has been extended till lifetime. As per NCTE Notification, earlier CG TET has been valid  for 7 yrs, now it has been extended till lifetime from the date of declaration of CG TET result. Candidate can appear for as number of time for the CG TET exam as they want. All the interested candidates who want to improve their score in the CG TET examination can attempt the examination as per their wish.

CG TET Certificate

CG TET Certificate will provide score card for both papers. Candidate who will clear CG TET will get CG TET Certificate with lifetime validity. Candidate can appear in many CG TET exams and get every time new CG TET certificate as they passed the exam. CG TET certificate will be the proof of TET qualified candidate so they can apply for teaching jobs. CG TET certificate will provide many things which are given below

  • Name
  • TET Name
  • Paper Name
  • Qualified or Not Qualified
  • Subject Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Validity Staring Date
  • Roll No.

Benefits of the CG TET Certificate

CG TET exam is state teaching eligibility exam for candidates who want to teach in Chhattisgarh State. CG TET Exam comprises in two stages, paper 1 for those who want to be placed in the primary schools from classes 1-5 and paper 2 for the candidates willing to secure a seat in the secondary schools from classes 6-8.  All the candidate should have mandatory CG TET certificate for applying teaching Jobs. CG TET certificate has provide many benefits with extended validity which has been provided below :

  • All the candidates after clearing the CG TET examination are eligible to apply for the teacher’s post in Government schools of Chhattisgarh State, KVS, NVS, Army Teacher etc.
  • All the candidate can also apply for the teacher’s post in state government as well as private institutes.
  • CG TET qualified candidates are given priority over the rest, whether it be regular or contractual.
  • As CG TET certificate has been valid for lifetime, candidate can apply for many teaching vacancies as long as they qualify all eligibility criteria.

CG TET CUT OFF & Marks 2022: Category Wise

CG TET passing criteria for all categories has been different as categories get weightage. For the General category, Candidates who score 60% marks in the CG TET will be considered qualified. A good thing for all the appearing candidates is that there is no negative marking for a wrong attempted question. Candidates can check their CG TET passing marks according to the Categories SC, ST, OBC, and General.

Category Minimum Qualifying Percentage Passing Marks
General 60% 90 Out Of 150
OBC/SC/ST 55% 82 Out Of  150

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CG TET Certificate Validity: FAQ

Q: When will the CG TET Exam 2022 be held?

A: CGPEB will conduct the CG TET Exam 2022 on 18th September 2022.

Q: How many CG TET Exam Centers are allotted for CG TET Exam 2022?

A: There are 28 CG TET Exam Centers allotted for the CG TET Exam 2022 across the state of Chhattisgarh.

Q: Can I apply for CG TET again if I had already qualified for the exam before?
Ans: Yes, you can apply for the CG TET exam again after qualifying once. There is no restriction on the number of attempts for qualified/ non-qualified candidates.

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What is CG TET Certificate Validity? CG TET Certificate Validity_3.1
About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.