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Coal Controller Organisation: Maintaining Coal Production Data in India

Coal Controller Organisation (CCO)- Relevance for UPSC Exam

  • GS Paper 3: Indian Economy– Infrastructure- Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, etc.

UPSC Current Affairs


Coal Controller Organisation (CCO)- Context

  • The coal stock at the power plants in the country has come under severe stress in the recent past.
  • This has happened due to increased demand for power, less power generation by imported coal-based power plants, and some interruption in the supply of coal due to heavy rains.

UPSC Current Affairs


Coal Controller Organisation (CCO)- Key Points

  • About: Coal Controller Organisation (CCO), established in 1916, is one of the oldest offices in the Indian Coal sector.
    • Coal Controller Organisation (CCO) is responsible for ensuring fair production and commercial transaction.
  • Mandate: Coal Controller Organisation (CCO), Ministry of Coal collects and maintains coal production data of all private and public sector coal mines in the country.
    • The information is collected on a monthly basis.
  • Parent Ministry: Coal Controller Organisation (CCO) works as a subordinate office under the Ministry of Coal.

National Coal Gasification Mission


Coal Controller Organisation (CCO)- Key Responsibilities

  • Inspection of collieries so as to ensure the correctness of the class, grade, or size of coal.
  • To issue directives for the purpose of declaration and maintenance of grades of coal of a seam mined in a colliery.
  • To act as the appellate authority in case of dispute between consumers and owner arising out of the declaration of grade and size of coal.
  • To regulate the disposal of stock of coal or the expected output of coal in the colliery.
  • Quality surveillance with respect to maintenance of grade, loading of coal in wagons/ trucks according to laid down procedures regarding grades and sizes.
  • To grant opening / re-opening permission of coal mine, seam, or a section of the seam or to sub-divide a mine.
  • Assessment and collection of excise duty levied on all raw coal raised and dispatched.
  • Submission of monthly coal data to different ministries of Central and State Government, national and international organizations.

Coal Crisis in India

Coal Crisis in India

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