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Latest Crime Rate Report of India 2024, State Wise Crime Rate

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), an office under the Government of India, is responsible for recording all types of crimes. Each calendar year, the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) collects data through the District Crime Records Bureau (DCRB) and submits it to the NCRB for its annual report.

Megacities, defined as cities with a population of one million or more, have their own data sets. Data is gathered on various Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections and is released separately by district. According to the NCRB, India’s crime rate, measured in incidents per 100,000 people, decreased from 487.8 in 2020 to 445.9 in 2021. Crime rates and occurrences vary across states and depend on the type of crime. Understanding this data is crucial for UPSC preparation, as it provides a comprehensive overview of India’s crime rate trends and patterns.

Latest Crime Rate Report of India 2024

India’s 2024 crime report shows a slight overall decline (0.56%) compared to 2023. However, there are concerns. Rape cases rose 1.1% and kidnappings surged 5.1%. Urban areas remain more prone to crime than rural ones.

The report credits a more visible police presence, improved law enforcement, and growing public awareness of crime prevention for the overall decrease.

Nevertheless, the report acknowledges persisting challenges, including the need for enhanced police training and increased resources to support law enforcement efforts. While some progress has been made in reducing crime, the report emphasizes the significance of public awareness and enhanced collaboration between law enforcement and the community. Here are some additional details from the report:

  • The number of total crimes reported in India in 2024 was 445.9 per 100,000 people.
  • The most common crime in India is theft, followed by robbery and assault.
  • The states with the highest crime rates in India are Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Delhi, and Bihar.
  • The crime rate in urban areas is higher than the crime rate in rural areas.
  • The report attributes the decrease in the overall crime rate to several factors, including increased police presence, improved law enforcement, and greater public awareness of crime.
  • The report also notes that there are still some challenges that need to be addressed, such as the need for better training for police officers and the need for more resources to support law enforcement.

States with the most Number of Crimes Rate

Based on the recent findings of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the reported crime rate in India for 2023 stood at 445.9 per 100,000 individuals. Theft emerged as the most prevalent crime, trailed by robbery and assault. Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Delhi, and Bihar were identified as the states with the highest crime rates in the country.

  • Uttar Pradesh: The per capita crime rate of UP is 7.4. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, this ratio means that Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of crimes, and thus, the state is unsafe to travel alone.
  • Arunachal Pradesh: The crime rate and other factors have made the state responsible for coming second in danger. Traveling alone after dark is banned in many areas of Arunachal Pradesh. The crime rate is around 5.8 and it is increasing with the increasing number of crimes.
  • Jharkhand: Jharkhand is another state which should not be missed from the point of view of danger. Little has been done for the safety of the people. Many criminal cases are not even registered in the police files. Talking about the ratio, the per capita crime rate in the state has been recorded at 5.3.
  • Meghalaya: Meghalaya ranks fourth in terms of security and crime. Some areas in Meghalaya are said to be unsafe for travel and restricted for people. In recent reports, the state was declared with crimes per capita of 5.1 and is considered one of the top dangerous states in India.
  • Delhi: Although Delhi ranks fifth, the state has a crime rate of 5 per capita as per the crime bureau. The sad fact is that despite the reign of political power in the state; Very little has been done in terms of its safety.
  • Assam: Ranks sixth in terms of crime rate in India. As compared to other states, Assam has registered a crime ratio of 4.4 per capita in India. We are yet to go with 4 more top dangerous states in India.
  • Chhattisgarh: Crime has also increased to a great extent in Chhattisgarh. The state has a crime rate rating of 4 per capita and this is an alarming number enough to mention. This place is considered unsafe for many reasons, especially for women.
  • Haryana: Haryana has recorded a per capita crime rate of 3.8. The state is known for robbery, theft, bribery, murder, rape, and more. Thus, the political powers are trying to take stringent measures to control the crime rate. It is also called one of the 10 most dangerous states of India.
  • Odisha: Also shares 3.8 per capita crimes in India. The place is known for larceny, theft, and bribery. Various areas have been targeted for drugs and drunkenness. It has also spoiled the youth to a great extent in drug addiction.
  • Andhra Pradesh: Last but, not least is the crime rate in Andhra Pradesh. The state has increased to a 3.6 per capita crime ratio in India.

Major Crime Categories and Trends

The analysis of major crime rate categories and trends is instrumental in understanding the current criminal landscape. In India, these categories encompass a diverse range of offenses, including but not limited to homicide, assault, theft, robbery, and sexual offenses. Examining trends within these categories provides valuable insights into evolving patterns and tactics employed by criminals. Notably, the surge in cybercrime, involving various forms such as online fraud and identity theft, represents a significant contemporary trend.

Moreover, there is ongoing concern regarding crimes against women and children, encompassing offenses like sexual assault and child abuse. The vigilant monitoring of major crime categories and the identification of emerging trends play a pivotal role for law enforcement agencies and policymakers. This scrutiny aids in formulating effective crime prevention strategies, ensuring the population’s safety and security. 

Impacts of Crime on Society and Economy

The repercussions of crime on both society and the economy are extensive and varied. Socially, criminal activities generate feelings of fear, mistrust, and insecurity among individuals, leading to a reduction in overall quality of life. Communities grappling with high crime rates often experience a breakdown in social bonds, heightened isolation, and a decrease in community involvement. Furthermore, the impact of crime extends to victims and their families, causing enduring physical and psychological trauma.

On an economic level, the prevalence of crime imposes a substantial burden. It results in increased healthcare expenses, diminished productivity, and higher costs associated with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Additionally, crime acts as a deterrent to investments, hindering economic growth and casting a negative light on a country’s reputation. This, in turn, affects tourism and foreign direct investment. Therefore, addressing crime is imperative for cultivating a safer society and promoting a flourishing economy.

NCRB Report 2022 on Crime in India

The 2022 report from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) offers a detailed analysis of the crime landscape in India. This publication is crucial for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and researchers as it helps them understand and address the complexities and variations in criminal behavior across the country. However, interpreting the insights from this report requires an understanding of its nuances, methodologies, and limitations. This article delves into the key findings of the 2022 report, the data compilation processes, the disparities observed among states, and the significant challenges related to the data presented.

Key Findings of the NCRB Report 2022

The NCRB’s 2022 report offers an extensive glimpse into the crime data across India. With a total of 5,824,946 cognizable crimes reported, there’s a notable decrease of 4.5% compared to the preceding year. These figures include 3,561,379 Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes and 2,263,567 Special and Local Laws (SLL) crimes, reflecting a diverse range of legal infractions. Below, you’ll find comprehensive details of the crime statistics.

Category Statistics
Overall Crime Statistics (2022)
Total Cognizable Crimes 58,24,946
Year-on-Year Change -4.5%
IPC Crimes 35,61,379
SLL Crimes 22,63,567
Crime Rate (per lakh population) 422.2 (2022) vs. 445.9 (2021)
Crimes Against Women (2022)
Total Cases Registered 4,45,256
Year-on-Year Change +4%
Top Categories of Cases – Cruelty by Husband or His Relatives
– Kidnapping & Abduction of Women
– Assault on Woman with Intent to Outrage Her Modesty
Cyber Crimes and Suicides (2022)
Cyber Crimes +24.4% (majority cases: Fraud)
Suicides +4.2% (reasons: Family problems, Marriage-related issues, Illness)


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What does the latest crime rate report of India in 2024 reveal?

The report indicates a marginal decrease of 0.56% in the overall crime rate compared to the previous year. However, specific crimes like rape and kidnapping have seen an increase in reported incidents.

Which state has the highest crime rate in India 2023?

Uttar Pradesh tops the list with the highest number of reported crimes in 2023.

Why crime is increasing in India?

Any political dispute, however insignificant, usually leads to rampant violence involving mobs.

What are the impacts of crime on society and the economy?

Crime generates feelings of fear, mistrust, and insecurity in society, leading to decreased quality of life. Economically, it results in increased healthcare expenses, diminished productivity, and hinders economic growth by deterring investments.

What are some key findings from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report of 2022?

The NCRB report of 2022 indicates a 4.5% decrease in cognizable crimes reported compared to the preceding year. It also provides detailed statistics on crimes against women, cybercrimes, and suicides.

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