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Exercise Samudra Shakti 2023, India-Indonesia Bilateral Exercise

Exercise Samudra Shakti 2023: it is a bilateral naval exercise that aims to strengthen the bilateral relationship, enhance mutual understanding and interoperability in maritime operations between the two navies. Exercise Samudra Shakti 2023 is also important for UPSC Prelims 2023 and UPSC Mains Exam (GS Paper 2- International Relations, Bilateral Relationship between India and Indonesia; GS Paper 3- Internal Security).

Exercise Samudra Shakti in News

The 4th edition of India-Indonesia Bilateral exercise Samudra Shakti-23 to be held from 14-19 May 23.

Ex Samudra Shakti-23 Details

Conceived in 2018, Ex Samudra Shakti-23 is a bilateral naval exercise that aims to strengthen the bilateral relationship, enhance mutual understanding and interoperability in maritime operations between the two navies.

  • Venue and Duration: Ex Samudra Shakti-23 is to be conducted at Batam, Indonesia from 14-19 May 23.
  • Mandate: Exercise Samudra Shakti is aimed at enhancing interoperability, jointness and mutual cooperation between both the navies.
  • Countries Involved: Exercise Samudra Shakti is conducted between India and Indonesia.
  • Significance: Samudra Shakti -23 will showcase the high level of interoperability between the two navies and their shared commitment towards peace and stability in the region.

Ex Samudra Shakti-23 Participation

Both Indian and Indonesian Navies are to participate in the Exercise Samudra Shakti 2023. Following ships will participate in the Ex Samudra Shakti-23-

  • INS Kavaratti, indigenously designed & built ASW Corvette, an Indian Navy Dornier Maritime Patrol aircraft and Chetak helicopter are participating in the Samudra Shakti 2023.
  • The Indonesian Navy will be represented by KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, CN 235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft and AS565 Panther Helicopter.

Exercise Samudra Shakti Phases

Ex Samudra Shakti-23 will be held in two phases-

  • The Harbour phase will comprise Cross deck visits, professional Interactions, Subject Matter Expert Exchanges, and sports fixtures.
  • During the Sea Phase, weapon firing, Helicopter Operations, Anti-submarine warfare & air defence exercises and boarding operations are planned.

Exercise INIOCHOS-23, A Multi-Lateral Air Exercise

Exercise INIOCHOS-23, A Multi-Lateral Air Exercise

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Exercise Samudra Shakti 2023, India-Indonesia Bilateral Exercise_3.1


Which two countries participate in the Exercise Samudra Shakti?

Exercise Samudra Shakti is a bilateral exercise between India and Indonesia.

What are the objectives of Exercise Samudra Shakti?

The main objectives of Exercise Samudra Shakti are to strengthen bilateral naval cooperation, improve maritime security and stability in the region, enhance mutual understanding and interoperability, and conduct joint exercises and training activities.

What activities are included in Exercise Samudra Shakti?

Exercise Samudra Shakti includes various activities such as naval drills, helicopter operations, communication exercises, anti-piracy exercises, and search and rescue operations. The participating navies also exchange visits and engage in professional interactions.

How does Exercise Samudra Shakti benefit India and Indonesia?

Exercise Samudra Shakti enhances the maritime cooperation and interoperability between India and Indonesia, strengthening their bilateral relations. It allows for the exchange of best practices, training opportunities, and sharing of knowledge and expertise in various naval operations. The exercise also helps in maintaining maritime security and stability in the region.