List of G20 Summit Members 2008 to 2024, G20 Countries, G20 Schedule, G20 Theme and Logo

G20 Summits: The G20, also known as the Group of 20, is an intergovernmental gathering consisting of 19 nations and the European Union (EU). For this year, India is the President which means the g20 meeting will be held in India in the month of September. G20 is the premier forum of international economic cooperation and its plays an important role in shaping ans strengthening the global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues.

In other words  G20 group’s primary focus is to tackle significant global economic challenges, including matters like international financial stability, the mitigation of climate change, and the promotion of sustainable development.

G20 Summit 2023

The G20 Summit 2023 is an annual meeting of the leaders of the world’s largest economies to discuss and coordinate global economic policies. India was scheduled to host the G20 Summit in 2022, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it has been postponed to 2023. G20 is different form other organisations and they are informal in nature, there is no permeant staff or headquarters instead of this the presidency rotates, every member hold the presidency for one year and for that one year that country will be the incharge for setting the agenda, theme, holding website etc.

History of G20

G20, or Group of Twenty, is an international forum comprising the world’s major economies. It was established in 1999 as a response to the global financial crisis, with the aim of promoting global economic stability and cooperation.

G20 was created in 1999, following the Asian financial crisis, to provide a platform for major economies to discuss and coordinate economic policies.

Initially, it consisted of finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 countries, along with the European Union. Over time, it expanded to include leaders from these countries as well. The G20 represents two-thirds of the world’s population, 85% of global GDP, and over 75% of international trade.

Its membership includes major economies like the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and India, among others. The G20 holds annual summits where leaders come together to discuss key economic and global issues, such as trade, finance, development, and climate change. The forum focuses on fostering international cooperation, addressing economic imbalances, promoting financial stability, and addressing challenges faced by developing countries.

Agenda of G20

The major intention of the G20 is to provide joint efforts to ensure financial stability and economic growth and development, especially in developing and industrialized regions. This international forum engages major economies’ finance ministers and central bank governors.

The regional grouping of G20 primarily emphasized assessing the macroeconomic policies that influence the global economy. Joint efforts will be made to reduce harmful methane emissions and mitigate global warming.

The G20 leaders pledged to vaccinate 70% of the world’s population against the COVID-19 virus by the middle of 2022. During the pandemic, the major economies of the G20 group decided to suspend the debt payments that were supposed to be made by the world’s poorest countries. This gesture of humanitarian essence offered billions of dollars of relief to developing nations.

At the 16th G20 meeting in Rome in 2021, an agreement was signed among 140 countries to examine the entire process of international corporate taxation. The G20 summit that took place in 2018 in Argentina expanded the ambit of the G20 agenda and stressed fair and sustainable development.
At the 2016 G20 Summit in China, the focus was on the adoption of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

G20 Summit 2023 in India

For Year 2023 India is holding the Presidentship and the G20 Summit 2023 will host its Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi at the Bharat Mandayam International Exhibition-Convention Centre (IECC). The G20 Summit itself is set to take place on the 9th and 10th of September 2023.

  • The G-20 Summit, led by India, presents a crucial platform ahead of the 2024 general elections.
  • India’s emergence as the world’s most populous country and its inclusion in the G-20 highlights the need for solutions to global challenges from a more diverse and inclusive perspective.
  • As global governance faces mounting challenges, it is imperative to shift the trajectory of progress towards equitable and sustainable economic growth.
  • India’s chairmanship of the G-20 provides a unique opportunity to address these issues and foster collective action for the betterment of humanity.

G20 Summit 2023 Theme

Bharat has adopted the lotus as its Emble and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is introduced as the theme of G20 Summit 2023. The Word Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is originated from the Sanskrit language which means One Earth, One family, One Future.

  • India, as the chair of the G-20, has put forth a vision of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which promotes a sense of global unity and collaboration.
  • This vision seeks to bring all citizens of the world together to create a better and more sustainable future for everyone.
  • India’s approach emphasizes cooperation, recognizing the role of local communities, governments, and traditional knowledge in supporting sustainable lifestyles.

G20 Summit 2023 Logo

The G20 2023 logo is inspired from Indian flag which consist of 3 colour i.e Saffron, white, green and blue.  G20 Logo skilfully blends the image of planet Earth with the lotus, India’s national flower, symbolising growth amid adversity among the Nation.

G20 Logo

Download G20 logo pdf
Download G20 logo with Theme pdf

G20 Countries

The G20, also known as the Group of Twenty, is a forum for international economic cooperation consisting of 19 countries and the European Union. The members of the G20 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, these countries represent around 80% of the world’s GDP and two-thirds of its population

Each year, the presidency invites guest countries to visit presidency country for G20 summit meeting. For 2023 the g20 submit will be held in India for the first time in the Indian History. The G20 group consists of 19 countries and the European Union (EU). India is one of the important members of the G20 Countries. List of G20 Member Countries are listed below:

List of G20 Countries
Argentina Australia
Brazil Canada
China France
Germany India
Indonesia Italy
Japan Mexico
Republic of Korea Russia
South Africa Saudi Arabia
United States of America United Kingdom
European Union Turkey

India’s Participation in G20

India has been actively involved in the G20 process since its inception in 1999. India’s participation in the G20 has helped to shape the global economic agenda and promote its interests on the world stage. India’s role in the G20 has been particularly significant in recent years, with the country hosting the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting in 2019 and playing a key role in the G20 Leaders’ Declaration in 2020.

G20 Summit 2023 in India Venue

The G20 Summit is scheduled to take place in New Delhi at the ‘Bharat Mandappam,’ located within the ITPO Convention Centre in Pragati Maidan. This significant event is planned for September 9 and 10. Apart from the main summit venue, foreign delegates will have the opportunity to visit prominent locations in the national capital, including Rajghat, IARI Pusa, and NGMA (Jaipur House).

G20 Summit 2023 Schedule

In September, a series of significant meetings and summits are scheduled across various Indian cities, reflecting the nation’s active engagement in global affairs. These events encompass the G20 Summit in New Delhi, preceded by preparatory meetings such as the 4th Sherpa Meeting and Finance Deputies Meeting. Below you can check the G20 Summit 2023 Schedule.

Date Event Location
September 3-6 4th Sherpa Meeting Delhi
September 5-6 Finance Deputies Meeting Delhi
September 6 Joint Sherpas and Finance Deputies Meeting Delhi
September 9-10 Meeting of Ministers at the G20 Summit Delhi
September 13-14 4th Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting Varanasi
September 14-16 4th Meeting for the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Mumbai
September 18-19 4th Framework Working Group Meeting Raipur

List of G20 Summits Host Countries 2008 – 2024

During the 15th G20 Summit, the Indian delegation will be led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The upcoming G20 Summit is scheduled to take place in New Delhi from September 9th to September 10th. Here is a comprehensive list of G20 host countries:

G-20 Summits Dates Host Countries Venue & Host City Host Leader
1st November 14th-15th, 2008 United States National Building Museum, Washington, D.C. George W. Bush
2nd April 2nd, 2009 United Kingdom ExCeL London, London Gordon Brown
3rd September 24th-25th, 2009 United States David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh Barack Obama
4th June 26th-27th, 2010 Canada Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto Stephen Harper
5th November 11th–12th, 2010 South Korea COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, Seoul Lee Myung-bak
6th November 3rd–4th, 2011 France Palais des Festivals, Cannes Nicolas Sarkozy
7th June 18th–19th, 2012 Mexico Los Cabos Convention Center, San José del Cabo, Los Cabos Felipe Calderón
8th September 5th–6th, 2013 Russia Constantine Palace, Saint Petersburg Vladimir Putin
9th November 15th–16th, 2014 Australia Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Tony Abbott
10th November 15th–16th, 2015 Turkey Regnum Carya Hotel Convention Centre, Serik, Antalya Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
11th September 4th–5th, 2016 China Hangzhou International Exhibition Centre, Hangzhou Xi Jinping
12th July 7th–8th, 2017 Germany Hamburg Messe, Hamburg Angela Merkel
13th November 30th – December 1st, 2018 Argentina Costa Salguero Center, Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri
14th June 28th-29th, 2019 Japan Intex Osaka, Osaka Shinzō Abe
15th November 21st–22nd, 2020 Saudi Arabia King Abdullah Financial District, Riyadh Salman
16th October 30th-31st, 2021 Italy Rome Giuseppe Conte
17th November 15th-16th, 2022 Indonesia The Apurva Kempinski, Bali Joko Widodo
18th September 9th-10th, 2023 India Pragati Maidan Convention Centre, New Delhi Narendra Modi
19th 2024 [Date to be announced] Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

G20 Foundation, Background & History

Foundation of G20: The G20 was established in 1999 in response to the financial crises of the late 1990s. It was created to bring together the world’s largest economies to discuss and coordinate policies related to international economic and financial issues. The G20 meets annually at a summit hosted by one of its member countries. In addition to the summit, G20 finance ministers and central bank governors also meet twice a year to discuss economic and financial issues.

Type of Organization in G20 :

The G20 is not a formal international organization like the United Nations, but rather a forum for cooperation and coordination among its members. The G20’s primary focus is on economic and financial issues, but it also addresses other global issues such as climate change, development, and health. The G20’s decision-making process is based on consensus, meaning that all members must agree on any decision or action taken by the group.

G20 Grouping Background:

  • The G20 was formed in 1999 in the backdrop of the financial crisis of the late 1990s that hit East Asia and Southeast Asia in particular.
  • The first G20 Summit took place in 2008 in Washington DC, US.
  • G20 Secretariat: The G20 has no permanent secretariat.

Importance of G20 Grouping

  • Together, the G20 countries include 60 percent of the world’s population, 80 percent of global GDP, and 75 percent of global trade.

G20 Achievements

  • One of the key achievements of the G20 has been its response to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009.
  • The G20 played a crucial role in coordinating a global response to the crisis, including measures to stabilize financial markets, stimulate economic growth, and reform financial regulation.
  • The G20’s actions helped to prevent a global depression and laid the groundwork for a more stable and sustainable global economy.
  • In addition to its response to the financial crisis, the G20 has also made progress on other important economic issues.
  • For example, the G20 has worked to promote international trade and investment, reduce barriers to trade and investment, and strengthen the global financial system.
  • The G20 has also taken steps to address issues related to inequality and poverty, including efforts to promote inclusive growth and support development in low-income countries.

What are G20 Summit Mandate?

  • G20 is a global grouping that aims to secure global financial stability by involving middle-income countries.
  • In addition to G20 Summits, the Sherpa meetings (that help in negotiations and building consensus), and other events are also organized throughout the year.

G20 Summit 2023, India’s Associated Goals

  • The G20 Summit 2023 is a significant platform for India to showcase its economic and diplomatic prowess on the global stage.
  • G 20 Summit 2023 is an opportunity for India to engage with the world’s leading economies, strengthen partnerships, and promote its interests.
  • India’s economic growth, demographic dividend, and strategic location make it a key player in the global economy and a vital partner for many countries.
  • India’s priorities for the G20 Summit include promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, enhancing digitalization and technology, and strengthening global cooperation on climate change, terrorism, and other issues of mutual interest.
  • India has made significant progress in these areas in recent years, and the G20 Summit 2023 will provide a platform for India to showcase its achievements and share best practices with other countries.

G20 Culture Ministerial Meeting

  • Acknowledging Threats: The “Kashi Culture Pathway” document recognized various threats to cultural heritage, including looting and illicit trafficking, emphasizing the need to safeguard these assets.
  • Impact on Society: The meeting stressed that threats to cultural heritage can result in the irreversible loss of cultural assets, disrupt socio-cultural practices, and affect human, economic, and social rights.
  • Addressing Online Illicit Trade: Concerns were raised about the rise of online platforms enabling the illicit trafficking of cultural property. The need for potential regulations to combat this issue was highlighted.
  • Battling Organized Crime: Ministers underlined the link between the destruction and trafficking of cultural property and organized crimes like money laundering, corruption, tax evasion, and terrorist financing, especially in conflict zones.
  • Unity Against Destruction: All participating nations pledged to stand united against the intentional or collateral destruction of cultural heritage, particularly in conflict scenarios.
  • Embracing Living Heritage: The G20 nations reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening institutional and policy frameworks to leverage living heritage for sustainable development.
  • India’s Cultural Showcases: India showcased its democratic heritage through the “Prime Ministers’ Museum” and emphasized the development of the “Yuge Yugeen Bharat” National Museum, set to become the world’s largest museum spanning India’s 5,000-year history and culture.

Who are G20 Sherpas?

  • G20 Sherpas: The agenda and work are coordinated by representatives of the G20 countries, known as ‘Sherpas’, who work together with the finance ministers and governors of the central banks.
  • India recently said ex-NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant would be the G20 Sherpa after Piyush Goyal.

India’s G20 Presidency and G20 Troika

Planet Earth and the lotus, India’s national flower, are combined in the country’s G20 emblem. The overall concept is “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” which stands for the notion of “One Earth, One Family, One Future.

  • The G20 Logo takes inspiration from India’s national flag, incorporating the vibrant colors of saffron, white, green, and blue.
  • The Earth element in the logo reflects India’s commitment to a pro-planet way of life, emphasizing harmony with nature.
  • The theme of the G20 Presidency centers on LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), promoting environmentally sustainable and responsible choices both in individual lifestyles and national development.
  • These choices aim to trigger global transformative actions, paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and bluer future.
  • India’s G20 Presidency also signifies the commencement of “Amrit Kaal,” a 25-year period starting from the 75th anniversary of its independence on August 15, 2022. This period is geared towards shaping a futuristic, prosperous, inclusive, and developed society, rooted in a human-centric approach.

G20 Role in Global Economy and Finance

  • While the G20 has made significant progress on economic and financial issues, there are also challenges and criticisms of the group.
  • One criticism is that the G20 is not representative of the entire international community, as it only includes 19 countries and the European Union.
  • Some argue that other countries, particularly those in Africa and Latin America, should be included in the group to ensure a more balanced representation of the global economy.
  • Another challenge facing the G20 is the rise of economic nationalism and protectionism in some member countries.
  • This trend could undermine the group’s efforts to promote international trade and investment and could lead to increased tensions among its members.
  • In conclusion, the G20 is an important forum for international economic cooperation and has played a critical role in responding to global economic and financial crises.
  • While the G20 has made significant progress on economic and financial issues, there are also challenges and criticisms facing the group.
  • It will be important for the G20 to continue to work together to address these challenges and promote a more stable and sustainable global economy.

G20: Influence and Accountability

  • While having no official means of enforcing regulations, the G20 has a significant influence on global policy thanks to its notable membership.
  • There are disagreements on the G20’s legitimacy, as well as criticisms of its structure and the effectiveness of its statements.
  • Critics have questioned the G20’s transparency and accountability, pointing out that there is no official charter and that the most significant G20 meetings are held behind closed doors.
  • The G20 was proposed to be replaced by an Economic Security Council under the UN by economist Frances Stewart in 2001.
  • Members of such a council would be chosen by the General Assembly based on their significance to the global economy and their willingness to contribute to its growth.
  • G20 summits have drawn protesters from a range of backgrounds, including information activists, opponents of fractional-reserve banks, and anti-capitalists.
  • The cost and scope of summit-related security is frequently a divisive topic in the hosting country.
  • The G20 Summit 2010 in Toronto caused widespread unrest and rioting, which resulted in the biggest mass arrest in Canadian history.

G20: Membership Exclusivity

The G20 claims that it has “a high degree of legitimacy and influence over the administration of the global economy and financial system” because of its “economic weight and broad membership,” although this claim has been contested.

The exclusivity of the G20 was criticised in a 2011 report for the Danish Institute for International Studies, which specifically called out its underrepresentation of African nations and its practise of inviting observers from non-member states as a mere “concession at the margins” that does not give the organisation representational legitimacy.

US President Barack Obama mentioned the difficulties of appeasing everyone in relation to the membership issue: “Everyone strives to be a part of the smallest group that does so. Being the 21st largest country in the world, they want to be a part of the G21 and believe it would be extremely unfair to exclude them.” Others claimed that the exclusivity is not an insurmountable issue in 2011 and offered solutions for how it may become more inclusive.

G20 Summits List UPSC Relevance

List of G20 Summits: G20 Grouping is an important international grouping that discusses various important global geo-political and economic issues. G20 Summit 2023 is important for the UPSC Prelims Exam (International Organizations) and the UPSC Mains Exam (International Relations).

India’s involvement in Other World Events

  • In addition to the G20 Summit, India has also been hosting various other international events, such as the World Economic Forum’s India Summit and the India-Africa Forum Summit.
  • These events have helped to showcase India’s economic and diplomatic capabilities and promote its interests on the global stage.
  • In conclusion, the G20 Summit is a significant opportunity for India to showcase its economic and diplomatic capabilities and promote its interests on the global stage.
  • India’s participation in the G20 process has helped to shape the global economic agenda and strengthen its bilateral ties with other participating countries.
  • The G20 Summit in India will be an important milestone in India’s journey towards becoming a leading global power.

G20 2024

The upcoming 2024 Group of 20 (G20) Summit is scheduled to occur in Brazil from July 12 to July 14. This summit is anticipated to be a platform for discussions covering various crucial global topics, including finance, sustainable infrastructure, and climate change. As more details about the event become available, this post will be updated to provide the latest information. India is hosting the G20 summit in 2023. This G20 summit is being organized in New Delhi between 9th September to 10th September.

Next g20 Summit 2024

The Next G20 Summit will be held in year 2024 for which the Presidency Country is already decided. The G20 Summit 2024 will be held in Brazil from July 12 to July 14 0f year 2024.

G20 2024 Host Country

The G20 is composed of 19 individual countries, along with the European Union. The member nations are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2024, Brazil holds the Presidency of the G20, which signifies its role in hosting and leading the summit discussions.

Read In Hindi: G20 Summit 2023 


Who is hosted G20 Summit 2022?

G20 Summit 2022 is being hosted by Indonesia.

Which G20 Summit is to be hosted by India?

G20 Summit 2023 is to be hosted by India.

What is G20 Grouping?

G20 is a global grouping that aims to secure global financial stability.

What is G20 theme of India’s G20 Presidency?

India’s G20 Presidency Theme is “Vasudhaiva Kutumba-kam” or “One Earth One Family One Future”.

g20 summit 2024 held in which country?

The Next G20 Summit will be held in year 2024 for which the Presidency Country is already decided. The G20 Summit 2024 will be held in Brazil from July 12 to July 14 0f year 2024.

which country hosted the first g20 summit?

The first G20 Summit was held in 2008 in Washington DC (USA). It set the scene for the most dramatic reform of global finance in over 60 years.


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