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India – Bangladesh Relations 2022- Seven MOUs Signed

India – Bangladesh Relations 2022- Relevance for UPSC Exam

  • GS Paper 2: International Relations- India and its neighbourhood- relations.

UPSC Current Affairs


India – Bangladesh Relations 2022 in News

  • Recently, H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, paid a State Visit to India at the invitation of Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi.


India – Bangladesh Relations 2022: Key Outcomes

  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Student Scholarship: It was launched by PM Sheikh Hasina for 200 descendants of Indian Armed Forces personnel martyred and critically injured during the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971.
  • Both held discussions on bilateral cooperation areas, including political and security cooperation, defence, border management, trade and connectivity, water resources, power and energy, development cooperation, cultural and people-to-people links.
    • They also agreed to collaborate in new areas of cooperation, such as, environment, climate change, cyber security, ICT, space technology, green energy and blue economy.
  • Connectivity Cooperation: the two Leaders underscored the importance of implementing bilateral and sub-regional rail, road, and other connectivity initiatives. Both sides welcomed the ongoing bilateral initiatives, such as-
    • Conversion to dual-gauge of Tongi-Akhaura line,
    • Supply of railway rolling stock,
    • Capacity building for the personnel of Bangladesh Railway,
    • Sharing of IT solutions for improved services of Bangladesh Railway etc.
  • Border Management: Recognizing that peaceful management of India-Bangladesh border is a shared priority, the two Leaders directed the officials to expedite work to complete all pending developmental works within 150 yards of the Zero Line.
    • These include fencing starting with the Tripura sector with the objective of maintaining a tranquil and crime-free border.
    • Noting with satisfaction that the number of deaths due to incidents along the border has significantly reduced, both sides agreed to work towards bringing the number down to zero.
    • Both sides noted with appreciation the stepped up efforts by the two border guarding forces against smuggling of arms, narcotics and fake currency and to prevent trafficking, particularly of women and children.
  • Vehicle Connectivity: The two Leaders agreed to expedite efforts to improve bilateral and sub-regional connectivity through early operationalisation of the BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement.
    • Bangladesh reiterated its eagerness to partner in the ongoing initiative of the India – Myanmar – Thailand trilateral highway project.
  • Economic Cooperation: The two Leaders welcomed the recent finalization of a Joint Feasibility Study which recommended that Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) will be beneficial for both countries.
    • They directed trade officials on both sides to start negotiations within the calendar year 2022 and to complete these at the earliest, in time for Bangladesh’s final graduation from LDC status.
  • Key Announcements: The following were unveiled/announced/released during the visit:
    • Unveiling of Unit-I of Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant, Rampal, Bangladesh;
    • Inauguration of Rupsha railway bridge;
    • Announcement of signing of project management consultancy contracts for Khulna – Darshana railway line and Parbotipur – Kaunia railway line.
    • Presentation of the book containing translation of the historic ‘7th March Speech’ of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 23 Indian and 5 languages of other South Asian countries, by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
    • Announcement regarding offer of 20 broad gauge locomotives to Bangladesh Railway on grant basis.
    • Announcement regarding supply of road construction equipment and machinery to Road and Highways Department, Government of Bangladesh.



Seven MoUs signed between India and Bangladesh

The following MoUs and Agreements were signed and exchanged during the visit:

  • MoU between the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India and Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh on Withdrawal of Water by India and Bangladesh from Common Border River Kushiyara;
  • MoU between the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India and the Ministry of Railways, Government of Bangladesh on Training of Bangladesh Railway Personnel in India;
  • MoU between the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India and the Ministry of Railways, Government of Bangladesh on Collaboration in IT systems such as FOIS and other IT Applications for Bangladesh Railway;
  • MoU on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India and Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR), Bangladesh;
  • MoU on Cooperation in the Areas of Space Technology between Newspace India Limited and Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited;
  • MoU between the Prasar Bharti and Bangladesh Television (BTV) on Cooperation in Broadcasting; &
  • MoU between the National Judicial Academy, India and the Supreme Court of Bangladesh on Training and Capacity Building Programme for Bangladesh Judicial Officers in India.


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