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Indian Islands – Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep

India, the 7th largest country in the world, has two major island groups in its geographical structure. Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep. These island groups are located in different places: one in the Bay of Bengal and the other in the Arabian Sea. First are the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal with many small and big islands, and second, the Lakshadweep Islands, which are located in the Arabian Sea. Andaman & Nicobar, and Lakshadweep both island groups are included in the major islands of India and are important topics for UPSC exam preparation. In today’s article, we will discuss these topics in detail.

What is Island?

Land surrounded by water is called an island, and a group of several islands is called an archipelago. Some countries are also surrounded by water, but are called continents because of their large size, such as Australia, which is the smallest continent. Continents vary greatly in size, climate and the type of organisms living on them. Islands can be in oceans, seas, lakes or rivers. Below is information about two major islands of India, which will be beneficial for your exam.


Island of India

There are a total of 8 union territories in India, out of which 2 are major island groups, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. If we look at the structure of the largest island group, most of the islands (about 550) are in the Andaman group, out of which 28 are inhabited. Lakshadweep has a total of 36 islands, out of which only 11 are inhabited. Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the largest island group of India, located in the Bay of Bengal. Lakshadweep Islands are the smallest union territory of India.

Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep

India has Two major island groups, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, These island groups are noted for their unique geographical and cultural features. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the largest island group of India, located in the Bay of Bengal stretching from Myanmar to Indonesia, with Port Blair as its capital. Spread over 8,249 square kilometers, these islands attract many tourists due to their natural beauty and diverse marine life. The Lakshadweep Islands, the smallest union territory of India, consist of 36 small islands in the Arabian Sea, spread over an area of ​​32 square kilometers. The Lakshadweep Islands capital is Kavaratti. These islands are located 220 to 440 kilometers off the coast of Kerala.

Andaman and Nicobar Island

The largest island group of India, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in the Bay of Bengal and stretches from the southern border of Myanmar to the northern border of Indonesia. The capital and main city of the island group is Port Blair, which has an area of ​​more than 8,249 square kilometers. Port Blair is not only the administrative center of the island but it is also one of the largest union territories of India with a population of around 4 lakhs. Most of these islands (about 550) are in the Andaman Group, 28 of which are inhabited.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, being an island, attracts many tourists every year. It is known for its religious sites, beautiful landscapes, dense forests, beautiful beaches and diverse marine life. Reflecting the cultural diversity here, several languages ​​are spoken on the island, including Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi and Nicobari.


Features and Important points of Andaman and Nicobar Island

There are features and important points of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which can be extremely important for UPSC exam. These points have already been used in the prelims and mains exam, which increases the importance of studying them. The geographical and cultural peculiarities of these islands are often asked in the exams.

  • There are 572 islands located in 8,249 square kilometers.
  • The Ten Degree Channel separates the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • The waterway is 150 km wide and 10 km long from north to south.
  • The shallowest point is 7.3 meters.
  • The Andaman Sea covers 6,170 square kilometers and is home to 325 islands.
  • The three largest islands are South, Middle and North Andaman, the latter called Great Andaman.
  • Other islands include Little Andaman, Interview, Sentinel, Rutland and The Sisters.
  • The Nicobar Islands have 247 islands with a total area of ​​1,765 square kilometers.
  • Great Nicobar, Car Nicobar, Katchal, Camerota and Nonakwari are its major islands.
  • The south-western coast of Great Nicobar Island lies 150 km from the north-western tip of Sumatra.
  • Only Great Nicobar has abundance of freshwater.
  • The Andaman Islands have mountainous environment, valleys and hills.
  • With a height of 732 m above sea level, Saddle Peak is the highest peak in the Union Territory.
  • Most of the islands are composed of limestone, tertiary sandstone and shale
  • All islands are volcanic in nature, Saddle Peak being the highest peak in North Andaman
  • The only active volcano in South Asia and India is on Barren Island, which is part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Lakshadweep Island

Lakshadweep Islands is one of the Union Territories of India which is the smallest Union Territory of India. This island is an archipelago consisting of 36 small islands whose area is 32 square kilometers. The capital of Lakshadweep Islands is Kavaratti which is also the largest city of this island. Although there are a total of 36 islands here, people live on only 11. The total population here is 64,429 and its land area is about 32 square kilometers. All the islands are located in the emerald Arabian Sea, 220 to 440 kilometers away from the coastal city of Kochi in Kerala.


Features and Important points of Lakshadweep Island

Like Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep also has many key features and important points, which can be highly important for the UPSC exam. These points have proved important in the prelims and mains exam earlier as well. The geographical and cultural peculiarities of Lakshadweep are often asked in the exams, making its study important.

  • Lakshadweep is famous for its amazing coral reefs and lagoons.
  • Lakshadweep is the smallest union territory of India.
  • there are a total of 36 islands here, people live on only 11.
  • The only bird sanctuary located in Lakshadweep Island is Pitti Bird Sanctuary.
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited throughout the island except in Bangaram.

Why Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep are Important for UPSC Exam?

If you are preparing for UPSC, then you must know that Geography of India is a very important subject. Especially, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep are very important topics for UPSC exam. This topic is highly beneficial not only for prelims but also for mains exam.

The capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is Port Blair and this island group is famous for its beautiful marine life and historical importance. On the other hand, the capital of Lakshadweep is Kavaratti and it is famous for coral reefs and lagoons. Lakshadweep’s only bird sanctuary, Pittie Bird Sanctuary, is also important for UPSC.

In this article, we will provide a detailed description of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and special areas of Lakshadweep. Various aspects related to these islands are presented in this article, which can definitely be asked in UPSC exam.

By studying this you will not only be able to understand the geographical and environmental features of these islands but also know its historical, cultural and political importance. Thus, this article will provide you with significant help in UPSC preparation.

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