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Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North East Region of India

Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North Easter

The Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCD-NER) is a Central Sector Scheme launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in 2013. The scheme aims to promote organic farming in the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. The MOVCD-NER has been successful in promoting organic farming in the North Eastern region. The area under organic cultivation has increased from 1.2 lakh hectares in 2013 to 5.4 lakh hectares in 2022. The scheme has also helped to create a market for organic products in the region.

Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North East Region Objectives

  •  To develop crop commodity-specific organic value chain and address gaps in organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic livestock management, and processing handling and marketing of organic agricultural products through:
  1. Developing crop-specific organic production clusters with necessary infrastructural, technical, and financial support.
  2. By facilitating partnerships between farmers and organic businesses: Local enterprises and/or Farmer Producer Companies based on back-to-back long-term trade relations with clients in domestic and export markets.
  3. By providing an enabling environment for project initiatives and development programs with the necessary support for organic value chain development and creating market access.
  • To empower producers with program ownership by organizing them into FIGs with the final aim to federate into farmer-producer organizations/ companies.
  • To replace conventional farming/subsistence farming system with local resource-based, self-sustainable, high-value commercial organic enterprise.
  • Developing commodity-specific commercial organic value chains under an integrated and concentrated approach with end-to-end facilities for production, processing, storage, and marketing.
  • Development of organic parks/zones with facilities for collection, aggregation, value addition, processing, storage, and market linkages for specific commodities requiring capital-intensive technology.
  • Develop NER products as brands/labels through brand building and facilitating stronger marketing access under the ownership of growers’ organizations/companies.
  • Creating a state-specific lead agency (Organic Commodity Board or Organic Mission) for coordinating, monitoring, supporting, and financing the development and operationalization of the entire value chain.

Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North East Region Schemes

Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) is a Central Sector Scheme launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in 2013. The scheme aims to promote organic farming in the North Eastern Region of India and develop end-to-end organic value chains. The scheme has four main components:

  • Certified Organic Production: The scheme provides financial assistance for the conversion of conventional agricultural land to organic farming and for the certification of organic produce.
  • Value Chain Development: The scheme supports the development of infrastructure for the collection, aggregation, processing, marketing, and branding of organic produce.
  • Capacity Building: The scheme provides training and capacity building for farmers, traders, and other stakeholders involved in the organic value chain.
  • Research and development: The scheme supports research and development in organic farming and value chain development.

The scheme has been implemented in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. In the first phase of the scheme, which was implemented from 2013 to 2017, the government provided financial assistance of Rs. 1,000 crore. In the second phase of the scheme, which is being implemented from 2018 to 2022, the government has provided financial assistance of Rs. 1,500 crore.

The MOVCDNER scheme has had a significant impact on the promotion of organic farming in the North Eastern Region. As of 2022, the total area under organic farming in the region has increased to over 1 million hectares. The scheme has also helped to develop a number of organic brands and markets in the region. The MOVCDNER scheme is a valuable initiative that is helping to promote organic farming and sustainable agriculture in the North Eastern Region. The scheme has the potential to create a number of economic and environmental benefits for the region.

Why MOVCDNER in News?

The Phase-III progress review of the Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) took place on July 13, 2023, followed by a two-day Stakeholder Workshop Meeting. This meeting aimed to assess the advancements made in Phase III of the MOVCDNER, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme designed to establish comprehensive organic value chains in the North Eastern States.

During the review on July 13, 2023, particular attention was given to addressing the outstanding obligations of Phase III and developing a roadmap for implementing Phase IV, scheduled to commence in 2023-24. The participating states were encouraged to propose activities and plans that could be undertaken in conjunction with the available funds under the MOVCDNER Scheme.

On July 14, 2023, Shri Rakesh Ranjan, Additional Secretary (INM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, presided over the meeting. Dr. Yogita Rana, JS (INM), and Shri Angshuman Dey, JS (MDONER), were also present. Representatives from the eight North Eastern states (Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Assam, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Tripura), NEDFi, as well as officers from the Ministry of Agriculture and FW and MoRD actively participated in the workshop.

Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North East Region UPSC

The MOVCDNER scheme, launched in 2015-16, has had a significant impact on organic farming, bringing 1.73 lakh hectares of land under cultivation and benefiting 1.89 lakh farmers. It resulted in the formation of 379 FPOs/FPCs, along with the establishment of 205 Collection, Aggregation, and Grading units, 190 Custom Hiring Centers, and 123 Processing units and Pack houses.

Additionally, seven brands have been developed. NEDFi presented on marketing and entrepreneurial support, followed by officials from DA&FW and MoRD, aiming to explore convergence opportunities in the North Eastern Region (NER). The discussion highlighted key areas of convergence. The following points of convergence were highlighted during the discussion:

  • Per Drop, More Crop– Shri Yogesh Roundal, Assistant Director (RFS)- Promote micro irrigations among farmers through the FPOs and leverage MGNREGRA for MI projects by developing crop-specific estimates.
  • National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)-Shri Raman Wadhwa, Deputy Director (NRLM)- 2 FPCs to be developed through convergence with NRLM at the state level by defining roles and responsibilities of SRLM as IA and CLF as CBBOs
  • Agriculture Infrastructure Fund- Shri K.R. Meena, Director (AIF)- Workshop to be conducted in Guwahati where FPO-wise challenges will be identified, and banks shall be engaged to facilitate credit
  • MGNREGA- Smt. Himanshi, Assistant Director (MGNREGA)- Support for fencing and land development to be explored through MGNREGA.
  • Sub-Mission for Agriculture Mechanization- Shri Arvind Meshram, Deputy Commissioner, (SMAM)- Study to be undertaken by Biswanath School of Agriculture to identify suitable machines for NER. States to provide information on the machine requirements of FPOs and awareness will be generated among them by circulating videos and modules.
  • Integrated Scheme of Agriculture Marketing- Shri Kapil Bendre, Director (ISAM)-Conducting training programs for FPOs and onboarding them on the e-Nam portal and helping FPOs to access a combination of AMI and AIF Schemes.
  • Agriculture Technology Management Agency – Dr. Y.R. Meena, Additional Commissioner (Extension) – Engaging ATMA functionaries and experts to ensure training and awareness programs for farmers.


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What are the objectives of Mission organic value chain development?

The scheme aims at development of certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification, to the creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing marketing and brand building.

When was the Movcd scheme launched?

Central Sector Scheme launched by Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare on 11th January, 2016.

What are mission vision values and objectives?

Mission statements describe an organization's reason for existence, vision statements describe the ideal state that the organization wants to achieve, and values statements list the principles that guide and direct the organization and its culture.