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Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Mission Vatsalya Scheme- Relevance for UPSC Exam

Mission Vatsalya Scheme: Mission Vatsalya is a central government scheme to ensure welfare and rehabilitation of Children. Mission Vatsalya Scheme is important for UPSC Mains GS Paper 2 (Governance, Administration and Challenges- Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes).

Indian Polity


Mission Vatsalya Scheme in News

  • Recently, the ministry of women and child development has issued detailed guidelines of the Mission Vatsalya Scheme.
  • State Governments/UT Administrations have been asked to prepare their financial proposal and plans for the year 2022-23 under Mission Vatsalya Scheme on the basis of financial norms of Guidelines.
  • The norms of Mission Vatsalya scheme will be applicable from 01 April, 2022.

Indian Polity


Mission Vatsalya Scheme                                                       

  • About: “Mission Vatsalya” erstwhile Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme since 2009-10 for the welfare and rehabilitation of children.
  • Mandate: Mission Vatsalya promotes family-based non-institutional care of children in difficult circumstances based on the principle of institutionalization of children as a measure of last resort.
  • Objectives: The objective of Mission Vatsalya is to-
    • Secure a healthy and happy childhood for each and every child in India,
    • Ensure opportunities to enable them to discover their full potential and assist them in flourishing in all respects, in a sustained manner,
    • Foster a sensitive, supportive and synchronized ecosystem for development of children,
    • Assist States/UTs in delivering the mandate of the Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and achieve the SDG goals.

PM CARES for Children- Scholarship for PM CARES Children


Mission Vatsalya Key Details

  • Implementation of Mission Vatsalya: The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Mission Vatsalya”.
    • All the States/UTs have signed the Memorandum of Undertaking (MoU) with the Ministry for implementation of the Scheme.
    • Mission Vatsalya will be implemented as a centrally sponsored scheme as per prescribed cost sharing ratio between the Centre and State/UT Governments.
  • Components of Mission Vatsalya: Components under Mission Vatsalya include-
    • Improve functioning of statutory bodies;
    • Strengthen service delivery structures;
    • Upscale institutional care/services;
    • Encourage non-institutional community-based care;
    • Emergency outreach services;
    • Training and capacity building.
  • Funding Mechanism: Mission Vatsalya Scheme will be implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in partnership with state governments and UT administrations, with a fund-sharing pattern in a 60:40 ratio.
    • However, for the eight states in the Northeast- as well as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and the UT of Jammu and Kashmir- the Centre and state/UT’s share will be 90:10.
    • The Centre will cover the whole cost in UTs without a legislature.
  • Fund Transfer: Funds to states will be approved through the Mission Vatsalya Project Approval Board (PAB).
    • Mission Vatsalya PAB will be chaired by the WCD Secretary, who will scrutinise and approve annual plans and financial proposals received from states and UTs for release of grants.

PoSH Act (Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act)

PoSH Act (Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act)

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