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National Physical Literacy Mission: Making Sports a Fundamental Right


National Physical Literacy Mission UPSC: Relevance

  • GS 2: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.


National Physical Literacy Mission: Context

  • Recently, Supreme Court has asked the Centre and States to respond to a report recommending sports to be made a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution.

राष्ट्रीय शारीरिक साक्षरता मिशन: खेल को एक मौलिक अधिकार बनाना

National Physical Literacy Mission: Key points

  • Earlier, the report submitted by Gopal Sankaranarayanan—the court’s amicus curiae—suggested that the narrow phrase ‘sport’ be replaced by ‘physical literacy’, which is a term firmly established as a right in the leading sporting nations of the world.
  • The report was filed in a PIL to amend the Constitution to make sports a fundamental right and amend the Directive Principles of State Policy to include an obligation to strive for promotion of sports education.
    • The PIL had also urged that sports should be transferred to the Concurrent List to facilitate cooperative work between the Centre and states.


Indian Polity


What is National Physical Literacy Mission (NPLI)?

  • Now, the apex court has directed the Centre to respond to the report’s view to establish a ‘National Physical Literacy Mission.
  • National Physical Literacy Mission meaning: NPLI is expected to give effect to the right by establishing and implementing a responsibilities’ matrix that includes curriculum design, compliance monitoring, and review, grievance redressal and self-correction mechanisms which starts at the school level to groom children for various sports.
  • The report was of the view that all school boards including CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, IB, IGCSE should be directed to ensure that from the academic year commencing 2022-2023, at least 90 minutes of every school day will be dedicated to free play and games.
  • The report suggested that State governments should ensure that from the current academic year, all non-residential colleges and schools should compulsorily allow access during non-working hours to neighbourhood children to use their playgrounds and sports facilities for free, subject to basic norms of identification, security and care.
  • The policy will include the institution’s commitment to a ‘no-child-left-behind’ approach that ensures that the institution’s physical literacy activities are designed and delivered in a manner that is inclusive of students with physical and mental disabilities, girls, students from marginalized economic and social groups.
  • The committee had asked the apex court to direct the Ministry of Education, to form an empowered committee to devise a strategic blueprint for actualising the fundamental right.
  • The report also opined that 180 days’ time should be given to educational institutions, which hosts students for more than 10 hours a week, to publish and disseminate to parents/guardians a ‘Physical Literacy Policy’ and create an internal committee to address specific cases where there is a failure in responsibilities to deliver the right to physical literacy of students.


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