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Punjab Judiciary Syllabus 2024, Prelims and Mains PDF Download

The Punjab Judiciary exam syllabus for 2024 encompasses both the Prelims and Mains examinations. Candidates aspiring for the Punjab Judiciary recruitment exam must acquaint themselves with the syllabus to strategize their preparation effectively. The syllabus for the Civil Judge recruitment exam includes diverse subjects, covering both the preliminary and main stages. The preliminary exam syllabus comprises topics like General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Indian Legal and Constitutional History, Indian Constitution, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, and more.

PPSC Civil Judge Exam Highlights

Last year, the PPSC initiated a recruitment drive to fill 159 vacancies for the role of Punjab Civil Judge (Junior Division) cum Judicial Magistrate. Notably, 55 of these vacancies are reserved exclusively for female candidates. The Punjab Judiciary Exam aims to select qualified individuals for these positions, offering a significant opportunity for aspirants seeking to join Punjab’s judiciary. The recruitment process includes multiple stages such as the Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. Successful candidates will have the privilege to contribute to Punjab’s judicial system as Civil Judges.

Punjab Civil Service (Judicial) Exam

Organization Punjab and Haryana High Court
Exam Name Punjab Civil Service (Judicial) Examination
Punjab PPSC Judiciary Exam Stages Prelims, Mains Interview
Punjab PPSC Judiciary Exam Dates (Prelims) To be Announced
Punjab PPSC Judiciary Exam Dates (Mains) To be Announced
Punjab PPSC Judiciary Admit Card Release Date (Mains) To be notified
Official Website https://highcourtchd.gov.in/

Punjab Judiciary Syllabus 2024

The Punjab Judiciary Exam Pattern 2024 is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of candidates appearing for the Civil Judge (Junior Division) cum Judicial Magistrate recruitment exam conducted by the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC). The exam pattern consists of three stages: the Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam and the interview.

  • Civil Law: The syllabus includes topics such as Code of Civil Procedure, Punjab Courts Act, Indian Contract Act, Specific Relief Act, Transfer of Property Act, Limitation Act, and other relevant laws related to civil matters.
  • Criminal Law: This section covers topics such as Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, Juvenile Justice Act, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, and other laws related to criminal offenses.
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs: Candidates are expected to have knowledge of current national and international events, general science, Indian polity, economy, geography, history, and cultural heritage of India.
  • English Language: The syllabus includes topics like essay writing, precise writing, comprehension passages, vocabulary, grammar, and usage.
  • Punjabi Language: This section evaluates candidates’ proficiency in reading, writing, and understanding the Punjabi language.
  • Constitution of India: Candidates need to have a comprehensive understanding of the Constitution of India, including its features, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, and the structure and functioning of various institutions.

Punjab Judiciary Syllabus for Prelims Exam

The preliminary examination of the PPSC Judicial Service consists of multiple-choice questions in an objective format. Candidates are given a duration of 2 hours to attempt 125 questions. Each question carries 4 marks, and there is a provision for negative marking where 1/5th of a mark is deducted for each incorrect answer.

Subject Maximum Questions Maximum Marks Exam Duration
Civil Law, Criminal Law, Current events of national and international importance, Governance, Reasoning, Aptitude, Indian Legal and Constitution History 125 500 marks 2 hours

Punjab Judiciary Syllabus for Mains Exam

The PPSC Judicial Service mains exam is a written examination conducted in pen-paper mode. It consists of subjective type questions that require candidates to provide descriptive answers. Each paper in the mains exam has a duration of 3 hours, allowing candidates sufficient time to answer the questions comprehensively.

Unlike the preliminary exam, which is objective in nature, the mains exam requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, and analytical skills through written responses. It is important for candidates to effectively manage their time during the exam to ensure that they can provide well-structured and coherent answers to the subjective questions.

Paper Subject Maximum Marks Exam Duration
Paper 1 Civil Law 200 marks 3 hours
Paper 2 Civil Law 200 marks 3 hours
Paper 3 Criminal Law 200 marks 3 hours
Paper 4 English Language 200 marks 3 hours
Paper 5 Punjabi Language (Gurumukhi) 150 marks 3 hours

Punjab Judiciary Interview

The Punjab Judiciary Interview is the final stage of the selection process for the recruitment of Civil Judges in Punjab. It is conducted to assess the personality, aptitude, and suitability of the candidates for the judicial services. The interview panel consists of experienced judges and legal professionals who evaluate the candidates based on their communication skills, knowledge of law, problem-solving abilities, and overall demeanor.

The interview is conducted in a structured manner, with candidates being asked questions related to legal principles, current affairs, and situational scenarios. It is important for candidates to be well-prepared, confident, and articulate during the interview to make a favorable impression on the panel.

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What is the syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary Preliminary exam?

The syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary Preliminary exam includes topics such as General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Indian Legal and Constitutional History, Indian Constitution, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, etc.

What subjects are covered in the Punjab Judiciary Mains exam?

The Punjab Judiciary Mains exam covers subjects like Civil Law, Criminal Law, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Language Proficiency, etc.

Are there any specific laws or acts that candidates need to study for the Punjab Judiciary exam?

Yes, candidates need to study and have a good understanding of various laws and acts, such as the Indian Contract Act, Law of Torts, Law of Evidence, Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, etc., depending on the specific subjects and sections of the exam.

Can candidates find the detailed syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary exam on the official website?

Yes, candidates can find the detailed syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary exam on the official website of the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) or in the official notification released by the commission.

Is it necessary to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary exam?

Yes, it is important for candidates to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus to ensure comprehensive preparation for the exam. Each topic holds significance and may be included in the question paper, so thorough preparation is essential.

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