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State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2020


State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2020: Relevance

  • GS 3: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.


State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2020: Context

  • Recently, Bureau of Energy Efficiency has released the State Energy Efficiency Index 2020 that ranks states on the basis of their energy efficiency initiatives.


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State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) 2020: Key findings

  • Karnataka and Rajasthan are the ‘front-runners’, while AP, along with six others, is among the states that saw ‘most improvement’ and is in the ‘achiever’ category.
  • SEEI 2020 assessed performance of 36 states and UTs in energy efficiency between April, 2019, and March, 2020.
  • In SEEI 2020, as many as 27 States and UTs improved their scores compared to SEEI 2019. Out of these, seven States — Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu — improved by more than 10 points.


World Energy Outlook 2021


About the SEEI

  • The index categorises States into four based on the score. Those with above 60 points are ‘front-runners’, states with 50-60 points are ‘achievers’, 30-49.5 points are ‘contenders’ and less than 30 points would get ‘aspirant’
  • The index comprises of 68 indicators across six sectors: buildings, industry, municipalities, transport, agriculture and distribution companies (Discoms), and cross sector initiatives.
  • The assessment is based on how effectively the states has driven energy efficiency initiatives with respect to policy and regulation, financing mechanisms, institutional capacity, adoption of energy efficiency measures, and energy savings in the said six sectors.


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SEEI Significance

  • The report helps in effective formulation and implementation of energy efficiency policies.
  • It highlights the best practices among states and fosters healthy competition.
  • It also provides foundation to set state specific energy efficiency targets and track their progresses.

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