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Best Books for UPSC 2024 IAS Exam Preparation

Best Books for UPSC 2024 (UPSC CSE), we provide a detailed list of essential readings. The UPSC CSE is widely recognized as one of India’s toughest and most prestigious exams, administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Aspiring UPSC candidates need to familiarize themselves with this updated book list to enhance their preparation strategy and maximize their chances of success in the upcoming UPSC Exam 2024.

Best UPSC Books List 2024 – IAS Exam

Reading the right books is very important for the UPSC Exam 2024. With so many online and offline study materials available, candidates need to pick the best books for their IAS preparation.

Toppers recommend that candidates start their UPSC preparation with NCERT books and then move on to other important reference books. Beginners need to know which books to choose, especially since there are so many study materials available in the Old Rajendra Nagar Book Market and online stores for UPSC books. Convert this into bullet points.

UPSC Books Selection Method

While the most effective IAS books can vary from one candidate to another, depending on their prior knowledge and expertise in the subject matter, this article presents a list of recommended UPSC books by subject matter experts.

  • It is essential to choose the appropriate IAS exam books online for each stage of the UPSC exam. The Prelims stage is comprised solely of objective-type questions, while the Mains stage contains descriptive essay-type questions.
  • Candidates must not only be discerning in selecting the appropriate UPSC preparation books, but also segregate their reading lists into Prelims and Mains preparation materials.

Aspirants may also download the list of the best UPSC IAS books through the link provided below for quick reference.

UPSC Booklist for UPSC IAS Prelims Exam

There are numerous preparation books for the UPSC Exam which are used by many candidates. In the below table, we have added a detailed UPSC Book list for the exam.

Best Books for IAS Prelims Exam
Subject UPSC Books
History ·       India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra

·       Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania

·       NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval)

·       NCERT XII (Modern Indian History)

·       Modern India (Spectrum)

Geography ·       Physical Geography – G C Leong

·       NCERT VI – X (Old Syllabus)

·       NCERT XI, XII (New Syllabus)

·       World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)

Indian Polity ·       Indian Polity – M Laxmikanth

·       NCERT IX

Economics ·       Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

·       Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri

·       NCERT XI-XII

Environment and Ecology ·       Environment and Ecology by R. Rajgopalan
International Relations ·       NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics)

· Current Affairs for Daily Newspaper and Monthly Magazine

CSAT ·       Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual

·       Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – R S Aggarwal

Solved Papers ·       IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers

·       Solved MCQs for UPSC Exam

General Studies Books Kit for UPSC & other State PCS Exams(English Printed Edition) by Adda247

UPSC IAS Books for UPSC Mains

Best UPSC IAS Booklist for Mains exam- GS Paper wise are given below-

 Best IAS Books for UPSC Mains Exam
UPSC Mains GS Paper Subject Books
GS Paper 1 Modern History -Spectrum

– Plassey to Partition

– India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra

– Modern Indian History by Adda 247

Art and Culture – Nitin Singhania Book

Art and Culture by Adda 247

World History – Norman Lowe
Post-Independence history – India after Independence by Bipin Chandra
Indian Society – Ram Ahuja’s Book on Indian Society
Geography – G.C Leong

– 11th & 12th Geography NCERT Books

Concepts of Geography by Adda 247

– Geography of India

 GS Paper 2 Indian Polity M. Laxmikanth

Indian Polity by Adda247

Governance IGNOU Notes and ADDA 247 Current Affairs Magazine
International Relations I.R by Pavneet Singh and ADDA 247 UPSC Current Affairs Magazine
GS Paper 3 Economics – Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Indian Economy by Adda 247

Environment and Ecology Environment and Ecology by R. Rajgopalan
Internal Security Book by Ashok Kumar/ Lohit Matani
GS Paper 4 Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude Lexicon publication
Additional UPSC Study Material 2nd ARC-4th and 12th Report

Case studies from current Events

IAS Books for UPSC Beginners

Aspirants starting their UPSC preparation should begin with basic NCERT books, especially those from 9th to 12th grade. Important NCERT books for IAS Exam Preparation include subjects like geography, history, Indian polity, economy, science and technology, and the environment. Along with these, they should also read daily newspapers and follow the monthly magazine prepared by the experts at Adda 247.

After comprehensively covering the basic books for IAS Exam, aspirants should go for other standard books mentioned above for different subjects and prepare accordingly for their civil services exams.

Study Material for UPSC Exam 2024

Candidates preparing for the UPSC Exam should stay updated with important documents that are always relevant, as well as new ones released by various organizations, institutions, and commissions. This should be done alongside reading current affairs thoroughly. Some important texts to consider are:

  • 2nd ARC Reports (selective reports relevant for IAS Exam)
  • Latest NITI Aayog Documents like India @75 etc.
  • Latest Union Budget and Economic Survey Documents (Aspirants can refer to the Gist prepared by Adda team)
  • Latest Finance Commission Report on various aspects of governance and administration
  • The Hindu/Indian Express News Paper, Yojana/Kurukshetra Magazine and PIB Releases
  • Watch important programs on Sansad TV like Budget discussions, In depth, Perspective, etc.

UPSC Mains Result 2024

UPSC Book List PDF

These days the availability of UPSC Books online, especially in Pdf format has made accessibility of many Important UPSC Books very easy for aspirants. However, there is also concerns regarding sea of UPSC materials available online in pdf format, making very difficult for aspirants to choose only the rights UPSC books online. In this context, we also provide UPSC Book list pdf of various subjects. You can click on the link given below to download the IAS Books PDF list of various UPSC Subjects.

Download UPSC Books Pdf Online

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Best Books for UPSC 2024 IAS Exam Preparation_3.1


What is UPSC?

UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission. It is a central agency in India responsible for conducting various examinations to recruit candidates for civil services, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and others.

What are some of the important books for UPSC preparation?

There are numerous books available for UPSC preparation. Some of the important ones are:
• History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra
• Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
• Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
• Geography of India by Majid Husain
• Environment by Shankar IAS
• Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by Subbarao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury
• Current Affairs by The Hindu, Indian Express, and Yojana Magazine
• NCERT Books for Class 6 to 12

Are NCERT books enough for UPSC preparation?

NCERT books are a good starting point for UPSC preparation, as they cover the basics of various subjects in a simple and easy-to-understand language. However, for a deeper understanding and better preparation, aspirants should refer to other reference books, study materials, and current affairs magazines.

What are some good current affairs magazines for UPSC preparation?

Some good current affairs magazines for UPSC preparation are:
• The Hindu
• Indian Express
• Yojana Magazine
• Kurukshetra Magazine
• Frontline Magazine
• Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)

How can I improve my writing skills for the UPSC mains examination?

To improve your writing skills for the UPSC mains examination, you can practice writing essays, answer writing, and mock tests. You should also read and analyze sample answers written by successful candidates in previous years. Additionally, you can join a writing workshop or enroll in an online course that focuses on improving writing skills.