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UPSC Current Affairs 2024, Download Prelims and Mains PDF

UPSC Current Affairs 2024

Current affairs hold immense importance in UPSC exam preparation due to their inclusion in the syllabus, covering areas like governance, international relations, and more. Around 20-25 out of 100 questions are directly tied to current events, with an additional 20-25 questions requiring a mix of current affairs and static knowledge. If you are also preparing for UPSC & State PSC exams then this page is for you.

UPSC Current Affairs Date Wise

UPSC Current Affairs Date-Wise is a framework designed to keep individuals informed about current events and developments pertinent to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examinations. These exams place significant emphasis on current affairs as they assess candidates’ knowledge of the most recent occurrences at both national and international levels. To prepare for UPSC exams efficiently, candidates must establish a structured and thorough approach to studying current affairs. To aid in this process, we offer the “UPSC Current Affairs Date-Wise” in the tabular format below.

State PSC Current Affairs 2024

State PSC current affairs for 2024 are crucial for people getting ready for state-level exams. They provide the latest information about each state in India, like government policies, changes, and important issues. People aiming for government jobs use these updates to be ready for their exams and interviews and to be informed citizens in their states. So, keeping up with State PSC current affairs is important for both exams and being an informed citizen.


How many direct questions are asked in UPSC CSE from daily Current Affairs?

Every year 20 to 25 questions are directly asked from daily current affairs in UPSC CSE Exam.

What are the various phases of UPSC CSE Examination?

There are three phases of UPSC CSE Examination - Prelims, Mains & Interview.

What is the importance of UPSC Daily Current Affairs?

UPSC daily current affairs are important as direct questions are asked in exam from these current affairs. They are also important for a better understanding of static portion.