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UPSC Prelims Bits: October 27, 2022

UPSC Prelims Bits” is every day published in the morning between 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and contains selective current affairs articles. ”UPSC Prelims Bits” covers various topics from UPSC Prelims Syllabus and is very helpful and time managing for UPSC Aspirants. The framing of this daily current affairs compilation article is easy to read and understandable also.

In the ”UPSC Prelims Bitsarticle, we focus on UPSC Preliminary exam-oriented current affairs covering various sections from leading National Newspapers, PIB, and other various official sources.


Bhoota Kola


Why in news?

Kantara (meaning mythical forest) has also garnered some controversies along the way since its release on 30 September.

What is Bhoota Kola?

  • Bhoota Kola is an annual folk ritual of Tulu-speaking people in Dakshina Kannada, Uttara Kannada and Udupi in Karnataka and some Kerala districts where local spirits or deities are worshipped.
  • As per Tulu Adivasi tradition, Bhoota Kola or Daiva Kola is a ritual where Bhootas or Daivas (guardians and ancestors) are worshipped.
  • Idols representing ‘bhoothas’ are taken out in a procession to the beating of drums and bursting of firecrackers.
  • It is widely believed these spirits protect the village from unfortunate incidents.


 Pasmanda Muslims


Why in news?

The Pasmandas form the overwhelming majority among Indian Muslims, but are hugely underrepresented in jobs, legislatures, and community organisations.

Who are the Pasmanda Muslims?

  • Pasmanda is a Persian word that means the ‘ones left behind’.
  • The word is used to describe the depressed classes among Muslims who have been deliberately or consciously excluded from the fruits of power and privilege.
  • Backward, Dalit, and tribal Muslims use the word Pasmanda as an umbrella identity to flag caste-based discrimination within the community.
  • The term Pasmanda Muslim was first used in 1998 by Ali Anwar Ansari when he founded the Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz.


 Public Provident Fund (PPF) 


Why in news?

Popular investment avenues for the middle class such as the Public Provident Fund (PPF) and the National Savings Certificate were left out of center’s interest hike.

What is a PPF account?

  • Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a retirement savings scheme offered by the Government of India with the aim of providing a secure post-retirement life to everyone.
  • The minimum deposit you must make in the account per financial year is Rs.500 and it can go up to Rs.1.5 lakh.
  • In addition to providing retirement savings, you can also claim income tax benefits on the amount you invest in the account.


Dirty Bomb


Why in news?

Amid Russia’s allegations of Ukraine trying to use ‘dirty bombs’ in the ongoing war, India’s Defence Minister Rajnath Singh urged both nations to avoid any escalation of the conflict.

What is Dirty Bomb?

  • Dirty Bomb is a conventional explosive device laced with toxic nuclear material.Dirty bombs do not create city-flattening atomic explosion but are designed to spread toxic waste.
  • Experts say the immediate health impact would probably be limited, since most people in an affected area would be able to escape before experiencing lethal doses of radiation.
  • But the economic damage could be massive from having to evacuate urban areas or even abandon whole cities.


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