Adda247 brings you the most efficient Practice Book for SSC CHSL Tier-I Prelims Exam 2022-2023. The wait is over now! As you can start practicing right away with previous years’ papers and practice papers available in this Book. "30+ SSC CHSL Tier-I Practice Papers Book (English Medium)" contains previous years' papers (2020-2021) and Practice Papers with their detailed solutions in English Medium Only and this will help you in your preparation for CHSL Tier-I Exam 2022-2023.
About The Book
SSC aspirants aiming for 2022-2023 government job competitive exams must practice with Previous Year Question Papers because SSC is known to repeat the pattern and questions throughout various competitive exams and you'll get all those questions in this book. This book contains 3000+ questions in 30+Mocks (available in English Medium only) with detailed explanations for your practice. This book not only contains previous year’ papers and Practice papers (Based on the latest pattern) but also in-depth and detailed explanations of all the questions and sections- Quant, English, General Awareness and Reasoning.
Latest Edition Includes:
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