This book “Entire English for all Competitive Exams” covers each and every aspect of English for your upcoming government job exams. This book is highly beneficial for students with weak English grammar skills who wish to prepare for competitive exams. This book guides you how much you need to read in a day, with its unique day-wise pattern. Aspirants will surely be benefitted by the context of this book along with the numerous questions with level-wise exercises like- Basic level, Average level, Advance level, Miscellaneous Exercises and Previous year questions in each chapter.
All the latest questions (till 2022) have been included to help the students know the latest pattern of the questions. We have tried to make the easiest tricks for the enhancement of your vocabulary and also tried to provide you with more and more questions on the comprehension section. At the end of my book, we include 61 Practice Papers for your practice, these will prove indispensable in your journey to success.
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