The knowledge of Static Awareness is very important for all govt. Examinations whether it is SSC, Banking, Railways or UPSC. The knowledge of Static GK related to Current Affairs and various important facts about Static General Knowledge of various National topics can also give you an upper hand in interviews and cracking General Awareness section. To ease your preparation of Static General Awareness Adda247 brings to you The Static GK eBook for Rs.199 which you can access on web and mobile anytime anywhere using Adda247 App.
What all topics will be covered in this eBook?
1. Wildlife Sanctuary
2. National Parks
3. Power plants in India
4. Dams in India
5. Cabinet Ministry
6. Cities on River
7. Solar Power Plant
8. Governor of States
9. Organizations (National and International)
10. Banks Headquarter (Indian and Foreign Banks in India)
11. Full-Form of Banking Terms
12. Government Scheme
13. Capital
14. Currency
15. Festival in India
16. Dance in India
17. CM’s of India
18. Awards
19. Summits
20. Economic and Budget terms
21. First in India
22. Military Exercises
23. Largest/ Smallest India and World
24. Stadiums (National / International)
25. Airports (National / International)
26. Ports in India
27. International Boundaries
28. Important National and International Days
29. India's World Heritage Sites(including in UNESCO's list)
30. Intelligence/ Detective Agencies of the World
31. Research Centers of India
The chapters will be provided as weekly updates to help you in having a steady pace to study Static General Awareness.
MPN: BA-E-EBK-2722
Validity: 1 Month