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Subjects Covered
Static + Current Affairs & General Knowledge
Basic Computer Knowledge
Logical Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude
Numerical Aptitude
General English
Punjabi Language
Punjab GK
Exam Pattern
The selection process shall be a 3 (three) stage process consisting of the following :
Stage-I: Stage-I will consist of two common Computer Based Test (CBT), multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type Paper viz. Paper-I and Paper-II, of which Paper-II shall be qualifying in nature.
Stage-II: Stage-II will consist of Physical Screening Test (PST) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT). Both Physical Screening Test and Physical Measurement Test shall be qualifying in nature.
Stage-III: Stage-III will consist of Document Scrutiny.
STAGE–I: Computer Based Test :
The first stage of the selection process shall be Common Computer Based Test (CBT) comprising of the following: Paper - I
Paper - I
Paper-I shall comprise of 100 questions carrying one (01) mark each.
Paper - II
Paper-II shall be a mandatory qualifying test of Punjabi language of matriculation standard comprising of 50 questions carrying one (01) mark each with 50% marks as the qualifying criteria. The marks obtained in this Paper shall not be counted for determining merit