Adda247-India’s No. 1 Government Job Preparation Platform, presents ‘ACE Civil Services-Geography of India’ a comprehensive book for UPSC and other State PCS exams.This book is a unique approach towards gratifying the needs of the aspirants who lack clarity regarding what to study, how much to study, the depth of knowledge required for any topic, and the type of questions asked by the commission.
Adda247-India’s No. 1 Government Job Preparation Platform in collaboration with StudyIQ study platform in place of Adda247-India’s No. 1 Government Job Preparation Platform
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The book addresses all the major dimensions of the syllabus like :
- Geomorphology: The geological structure of India, its various landforms and rivers.
- Climatology: All climatic phenomena experienced in India focusing on monsoon, el-nino, cyclones etc. and their impact.
- Biogeography: Understanding Indian Soils and India’s Natural Vegetation.
- Resources: Focusing Mineral, Energy and water resources of India.
- Human geography: Extensive analysis of population structure, the migration and settlement patterns, and planning of resources in India.
- Economic geography: Comprehensively covering agriculture, manufacturing and the service sectors.
Important Features of Book
- Easy and Lucid Language for better understanding.
- Extensive use of Maps for better clarity.
- Hand-drawn diagrams.
- Previous Year Questions at the end of every chapter.
- Real life examples in 'Case Studies' Section.
- 'Do You Know' section for making your learning exciting.
- Extensive use of tables for easy revision.
- Delivery charges indulge in MRP.
- Book will be delivered within 8-10 working days, after placing an order.